GamingGear 4me

I wanna get good gaming gear since I have al that crappy standard stuff with exception of my mouse.
What I need:

- I have a Logitech G3 mouse
- Keyboard
- Mousepad
- Headset
- Anything you might use tell me :P

Greetz blindFire

edit: Also tell me what the prices are
Everyone's going to recommend their own stuff to you :D Just look at some highskillers profile and buy those so you can be sure your owning isnt dependant on your GAMING GEAR
keyboard doesn't really matter imo. Buy a Qpad and maybe perfoheissers.
it matters, but not for gaming, a cheap but not TOO cheap keyboard would be enough, some shit keyboards have shit quality and can kill ur fingers / suffers
logitech g15 = waste of money
a random logitech would do I suppose
I'm just going to order QPAD CT and Q|GLIDZ for myself.
buy a G15 keyboard (v1 ... not v2)
Just buy a normal 2€ keyboard oky thx... don't waste your money on that crap!
but also he should get razer super gaming glove, fatality gaming socks and logitec gaming head warmer for winter
mouse: deathadder or mx518 (+- 55€)

keyboard: just some random (5€)

headset: if you just want to play ET and hear everything with it, then Ipodears are good enough. If you really want "quality" then buy sennheisers (depends on what you want)

mousepad: qpad + hyperglides
For keyboard it only matters if you like laptop keys or the normal ones. For the normal ones I'd simply recommend any Cherry keyboard, as they are simply the best quality you can get for that money. For the laptop keys I'd go for a Logitech UltraX. I have had bad experiences with cheap laptop key keyboards (great word), but this one never failed me so far. Both should go for around 20 Euro.

For mousepads I would not recommend to buy glass or metal surfaces, as you are using a laser mouse. Guess an Everglide Titan would be the best for you in case you're using a low sens.. Long lasting and good glide. If you are going with a higher sens, you should take a look at the Razer Destructor. It's as fast as an icemat, does not make those scratchy sounds and lasts over 3 months now without seeing any sign of use.
I would avoid QPads because they wear out in no time. They are still decent when they are worn out, but the Everglide Titan delivers the same glide with better consistency. Probably one of the most overhyped mousepads/gaming products ever.
You might also want to take a look into Hyperglides mousefeet if the original ones on the G3 are worn down.
The Titan is about 20 Euro and the Destructor costs about 30-40 Euro.

As for the headset, I'd either go for quality headphones (Sennheiser HD series for example 70-120 Euro) with a table microphone (2-20 Euro) or simply invest the 140 Euro into a Sennheiser PC350. I've not tested it yet, but from what I've seen and read, it's probably the best headset you can get for that price. The only cheaper headset that might be still ok is the Sennheiser PC160(161).
Also here I'd avoid overhyped products such as the Icemat Siberia or the Steelsound 5h(v2).

Hope it helps...
cherry flat keyboards are awesome.
cheap and way better quality than logitech
Didn't test those yet because the Logitech didn't break yet. Had a look at them already though. 8)

Is it possible to remove the keys without basically breaking the whole keyboard?
i crashed at least 4 logitech ultra-x in < 2 years. not that good for heavy use.

did not try to remove keys yet. looks quite clean yet :D
Nice advice and about the mouse i have around 800dpi settings with /sens 6 so pretty medium sens i think. Does the size of the mousepad make any difference or is that just crappy way to sell more:p
Well let's say you use something around 60cm for a 180° turn ingame, having a big mousepad for that comes in handy as you don't run out of space.
Imagine using that sens on a small 25cm mousepad. You'd need to pick up your mouse several times to turn around.

You don't need to buy those huge pads, if you don't need that much space.
I use about 15cm for a 360 :p but I have an accelerator which makes my mouse turn faster if i make a fast turn
black everglide titan + g5 lasermouse is fail. funny skipping shit occurs all the times.
That's the problem with all laser mice. And the Titan is even pretty good at avoiding that problem. ;-)
Ich habs doch hier bei mir. Ich musste es extra wegmachen und die Tischplatte zum spielen nehmen, weils einfach zu hart geskippt hat.
Die Maus ist einfach der totale Schrott, hab mir die damals auch mal gekauft, aber schon ein paar Tage später war sie schon bei eBay drin. Wenn das Pad bunt ist und evtl sogar noch reflektiert (Metall, Glas) funktioniert die Maus teilweise garnicht.
i have logitech G11 keyboard(pretty nice)
microsoft habu razer mouse( also pretty good)
If I am going to buy a new mouse I am probably going to wait for the new Razer that is probably going to replace the Mantis or smthn :p Logitech g11 I have seen and for my room waaaay to big:P unless there a smaller version(ive never seen one) i would like to check that out:p
too big?:o lold, this is just fine in my desktop:P
U see my screen even stands a bit diagonal(weird sentence i know) so that my recentkeyboard still fits :P I made a lot of money working last 5 months and coming to months ill also be working pretty much everyday 1300-2300 so ever that im going to redecorate my room + buying new computer and acessories :)
ok:) gl to find good stuff
Mousepad : Qpad CT
Mouse : Ye i like the Microsoft ime 3.0 :) standard 400 DPI
Keyboard : random 2euro
Headset : 5euro also :D
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