cancer pc crashes, HALP PLS

Everytime im running some "serious heavy activity/program" that requires alot of my cpu,gpu,ram etc, like for example when i play ET or Warcraft 3, or i write a DVD, my pc either crashes totally (ctrlaltdel out of the question) or reboots automatically after a few minutes or hours. The problem began when it started to get hot around here (May). My pc has in total 3 coolers, one at the cpu, one at the gpu/mobo and one at the psu, plus my temp is normal (like 48 degrees MAX for the cpu). I dont get it... and yeah ive run antivirus/spyware shit, and they havent found nothing...

my pc specs:

Pentium 4 @ 2 ghz not overclocked
GeForce 2 MX 400
2 x 512 MB DDRAM @ 266 mhz
some U8568 mobo dont remember the brand but its a good one (for my system), compatiblle with my above specs, have it for like 5 years, never had any problem with it.

and also i clean up the inside of my pc from the dust and MICE/SPIDERS lol every 2 months, so its not dirty

Try to clean it out with a vacuum cleaner, or with highpressureair. Also, you can try to get your cpu out, and see if the coolingpaste is still on good. If it aint, just go to your local computershop and ask for some new, costs you 5 euro or so :)

Try watching the temperatures in your BIOS (you can access that through pressing delete or f2 (or maybe even another button, depends on your pc)) when booting.
Not good to hoover your PC, hoovers give out lots of electrostatic which is opposite of good for PCs, use compressed air, Poundland sell it for £1 for 750ml.
that's why I said highpressureair (same as compressed, just couldnt come on the english word ^^), vaccuum cleaner doesn't matter too btw, just remove all plugs from your pc, vacuum clean it, and make sure you touch everything with a screwdriver before you plug in your cables again :)
You obviously don't work in IT if you go near your PCs with vacuum cleaners.
Actually I worked @ a pc shop for over a year :)
You must be a pretty crap shop then.
ye.. or not ^^
No, you must do, Google hoovering a PC, ESD is a PCs biggest killer.
vacuum cleaner + electronics = fail
not when those electronics arent connected, and you unload em with a screwdriver after vacuum cleaning. but yeh, ill stop replying now since you all obviously know it better than someone who actually has been doing this as a job for over a year...
Even a small amount of electric charge in one of the capacitors could result in your mobo getting screwed by the electrostatical charge from the vacuum cleaner :/
Check your cpu cooler is making good contact with the cpu.

Try another power supply just to rule that out.

Download and run combofix.exe (google ftw). Just incase its a trojan/spyware issue.

mobo or ram

maybe the mobo is broken and supports only 1 slot for ram.. you have 2 in so it crashes.

My vote : Mobo.
Faulty capacitors? Look on the mobo and check for bumped capacitors.
you should finally get a new one :c
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