eeeeeeeeeee swahh

I was very drunk Thursday, couldn't walk and fell on my nose. Its fuckin stupid. I won't drink for some weeks now, cuz i feel very noob :( And what do i have to say at my work? someone pushed me and i fell on my nose?

What would you do?

haha noob :D
just say you slipped.

and falling when you're drunk is for lowbies :))
ok. i was wasted
say that a group of 20 big mans attacked you and you managed to beat 10 of them but then your concentration somehow broke for a half second and one of the remaining 10 managed to puch you before you beat them all

then you are A HERO
ye nice ;D

a turkish group attacked me and i was like wtf "i am Mamalukes" izi bash np4me & stuff
waarom nou altijd de turken :[
en je weet dat et aan is als we staan voor je kanis!
ewa brdda wa kom je praten =D
als je nou ganja had gesmoort was dit niet gebeurt
Plz lowbie OLOL just say you hit something accidentally or tripped on da street but under no circumstances tell you got selfowned while being shited.
as ingame
Just say you drunk too much after a party? Why the lies? :)
he is an insecure teenager who has to maintain his groupstatus
peace out <o
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