*edit *Roadtrip to 'Dreamhack Summer 08' Part 1

After a looong 17hr bustrip we finally arrived to Jönköping, Sweden around 4am this night. People were sleeping in front of the DH entrance last night when we arrived, waiting for 8am so they could enter!

Thursday evening we all came together to sway's place, slept about 3hrs in total as we had to wake up at 5am friday morning to arrive at 7am at the ESL/Turtle Entertainment in Cologne.

The ESL guys, their tv crew etc have been great so far..doing everything they can to help us.

image: 25919216

Around 11am yesterday our roadtrip started with about 30guys (the belgian Intel pack4dreamhack team, the german one, and 20 other gamers/ESL-giga crew), the GPS told our arrival time would be 23CET, but that didn't happen at all :D
We had some traffic jams in germany, made too many stops according to me imo but they had to film as much as possible, so it was needed I guess :p..we were also forced to drive 80/90 in denmark on some roads, toke the ferry twice, which made our trip not last for 12 but 17hrs eventually.

We just received our gaming laptops from ESL, including some steelseries mice/mousepads/headsets,... everything we need!

Need some food right now, and its damn cold inhere :p let those 12 000 ppl come to warm this building up!
Pics will follow asap, this time not made by me :P

first edit: at 12.20 we need to follow the Intel guys for custom made cloths/hoodies etc, can't wait!

edit2: the first pics&more info can be found at http://www.esl.eu/eu/pack4dreamhack/ !
hf anil ! have a nice time ^-^
Keep us up2date Ata! <o/
Enjoy the trip
seems awesome, enjoy :)
not everyone cheats :X
you will get pimped (with all the stuff you are getting)!
bibuuuuuuy anil ! ;)
Have fun!
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