Headset 5hv2
15 Jun 2008, 13:16
I got some problems with my headset (Steelsound 5hv2), since today i only can hear my left side of my headset :/ if i move the mic cable a bit i sometimes can hear on the right side again.. any1 had this problem before with this headset? if so how do you fix it? :X
I guess you can't do much against it since its something inside (with the cables), unless you cut your wires open but that'll make it worse I think :D I just don't put it to the maximum, a bit lower, it works for both ears then here
at the one the speakers are fucked up, at the other one the mic^^
btw why you need sound hacker?
- dont buy headsets, use mic/headphones seperate
- dont get headphones with volume controllers built into the wire
- buy headphones with a module design (like sennheiser hd25 Mk2) cause everything is easily replaceable