back from clubbin.. :////


i know DRUGS R BAD!!!! NO Pills btw... !

anyone same experiences? ;)

have a nice day, shoutout2my buddies and pumu!

random song:
drug addict :(
i am not your buddy, i am your lover
thats why i mentioned u extra!
was out too until a dancing star!! weeeeeeeeeeeee <o/

only drugs i do is alm-weiß and beer :p but i dont need anything at all for having fun but self-confidence :>
same..:!j ust theis fucking baggy we had of a friend of me in the car and he left to next club in the morning, didnt come with us jst his baggy :p. so we left club and tataa police and they found his baggy.. ://

2 questions.

Did westbam play Wizards of the sonic and what drugs did you do.
they didnt catch me with drugs....
well westbam played a lot of tracks. and africaa bambataa did beatbox. rly awesome show although im not big fan of him..
Wizards of the sonic omg flushje you know your tunes 1stly shades of rythmn in your other post now the mighty westbam. I was at the loveparade berlin that was released for :) and i was at the last one in 2006. Many inbetween also :)
Ye love alot of the old stuff :)
thats me old ;) when i was a lad and all that ....... :XD
sex drugs & rock'n'roll!
ow, just leave the pills at home....
edit: dann eben dat weisse zeugs :D
xtc is awesome
Drugs = legalized.
ich habe eine groSSe schwanz
einen grossen schwanz*

at least say it right
einen großen schwanz :P
hi²u jabba the hutt!
sure will! :> make the fruit crocodile again :)
ye I was with my friend when we smoked joints @ center of our town when police arrived
Im free now cause I didnt have any drugs in my pockets, he has 2 years probation :p
cannabis is no drug, it is a lifestyle
hey ben je nog in Nederland weten te komen dan?
ik raak er altijd:d
tell it the fucking police :/
not for me,300eur fine for me in court on thursaday :D
haha i never ever got caught

cops in belgium are too stupid or just don't care anymore
there never really this strict,but this cop didnt like me.
I'm thinking about painting my moped Anonymous
socks suck :s i can't feel free whilst wearing them, naked feet ftw :< just like hobbits!
luckily its not on LLI, so you don't need any!
sup with king's mom?
noiz :) gonna prepare some welcoming celebrations :~>
party hard ! <3
our class trip was in berlin/wedding (according to our guide: 80% turks, 5% other arabs).

So we went to a store to buy lots of booze (very cheap if you come from sweden), especially hardlickers which are very rare to swedish under-21-year-olds. There we met this guy (ugly, fat, short and lisps). He told us to meet him at around 8 pm to get da drugz (weed). It was quite expensive, I believe (I didn't have to pay though, since I didn't have interest in that stuff :)), around 20 euro for 5 gram. Then directly afterwards he asked if we wanted to join him to a cathouse (bordel), so we followed him to check out those chicks. But I wish we hadn't done that... they were so fucking ugly cheap (35 for 30 min) whores :s I got quite scared when the bordel-owner said that they had had two razzias a couple of days ago (cause it was some kind of underground thing which you usually wouldnt find by your own, so I guess there were some tax + immigration issues).

However, 2 of us stayed there, seemingly very horny so whatever... After that we went back to the hotel (quite shit). Later that night I heard several of my classmates running through the hall being high... I was already quite wasted after several nights of partying and drinking but they topped it by far...

So that was my experience with drugs :)
where can i dload it ? :< wanna paly too =(
oki, gonna study now =(
won't have fun since i do not want =(
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