David Villa


Torres and Villa upfront for Liverpool next season, surely that's one of the best strike partnerships that can be formed in the premiership if it does happen?
yup! both are fucking excellent and have amazing team work
No chance!

Even if it does happen you can be sure Rafa will stick him or Torres on the wing like he does with all strikers he signs. Babel, Kuyt, Cisse...
everything can happen
and imo babel aint as good striker as villa, and i find him better as midfielder
Babel is a winger !
Babel is and was mostly used as winger. But he prefers to play as Striker. But he never got the real chance in Ajax and Liverpool to play as striker. They allways used him as winger. I dont know if he is a really good striker maybe he is but maybe not. Atleast he is a good winger so thats why they use him as winger.
C. Ronaldo si a winger and still he scored the most goals in PremierS
Kuyt was placed on the wing because hes not a prolific striker, but likes his work rate. Babel is a little like the Walcott situation at Arsenal.

I think if he did sign Villa he would definatly try the same system they play for Spain, although Liverpool will never be able to afford him, looks like they will have to sell Alonso before they can even buy Barry, who is £20 million, Villa will no doubt be around £30 million at least.
liverpool is going to play with two attackers

omg revolution is comming
Wondering whats with Kuyt then? He s also good
Kuyt has an amazing work rate, but unfortunately his finishing isn't too good and nor is his first touch. I would honestly say Kuyt actually plays better on the right wing because he drifts in towards the centre to help out Mascherano and also tracks back to help the right back.

Rafa will keep Kuyt because he performs in big games e.g. champions league and is a GREAT squad player to have.
so true. And kuyt is allways raging against attacking backs :) Like you can see when he played against Evra. Evra didnt had a chance with both boulahrouz and kuyt chasing him.
Its a real workhorse a good asset to every team out there.
david villa is mine and plays for FC Schalke04 !!!! (in fm08 ^^)
villa overrated.

sucked this season in spain.
he scored in 93'

he must be god
2001/02 Sporting Gijon Spanje Segunda División A 40 18
2002/03 Sporting Gijon Spanje Segunda División A 39 20
2003/04 Real Zaragoza Spanje Primera División 38 18
2004/05 Real Zaragoza Spanje Primera División 35 15
2005/06 Valencia CF Spanje Primera División 37 25
2006/07 Valencia CF Spanje Primera División 36 15
2007/08 Valencia CF Spanje Primera División 28 18
Bijgewerkt 07-03-2008

28 matches 18 goals , ye i can see the sucking ... not even thinking of the fact how valencia underperformed this year with a 16th place, scoring 18 goals for a 16th placed team? Well done imo
There is a typo in your name.
aight, but what people make of him atm is a bit overrated. they cheer him to the new pele -.-

never said hes bad, hes a good forward and he'll go his way. but premier league will be too hard for him :D he should stay in spain and go to barca. u agree dont u ;)
lol - who says hes the next Pele?

Over rated? HARDLY. He's been at Valencia for a while now and is a consistant La Liga scorer. He's got interest from Barcelona, Madrid, Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool so I doubt he's a crap player.

Can you name atleast 5 other strikers better than Villa and state why they are better?
Nistelrooy, Drogba, Toni, Torres, Ronaldo (brasilian)

Dunno if they are better but this 5 players would be better striker in premier league IMO.
Van Nistelrooy, Drogba, Torres, Toni. (like Nonix said)

Guiza, Henry, Benzema...do i've to continue?

like i said villa is not bad !! he belongs to best 10 strikers for sure.
true :)
villa ownz
fuck him :<
Yeah yeah, Liverpool are going to win the Prem. Just like every season, the kopites come out of the wood work claiming they are going to win the title then they don't. It really does get boring and very predictable...
new Spain Raul <3
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