Hittabillity ?

i wud like to ask u guys a question couse i dont understand why ET is gay.
So this is the deal when im playing i can hit peoples from France like very well but when im playin vs Polish i cant hit them like for example i'm aiming @ theyr heads and i wont get hit then if i aim little to the right (not even aiming @ them) i get a bodyshot. sup with this why is it like that and why does not every1 have the same hitboxes? couse sum of those polish players have a good connection and the same as me but why the fuck do they hit me and i cant them? and this is the same for portuqese players they cant hit me and i cant hit them so its gay :/
try to get a text layout -_-
Simply because you suck :D
komdu á vent newb :D
its pings!
cant be i was playin against portuqese dudes be4 and both had around 100 ping
excatly, BOTH had similar pings, but with poles you wont have similar pings+ ping hops/drops whatever

im pro answerer
ye but why do they'r pings drop? not mine we have the same connection the only diffrence is that they r located in polland and me in iceland ?
well poland has shit internet, simple.
lolz does anyone know why it is like that :D i know polland has shit connection. BUT they still have the same connection as we do ADSL 12 mb or what ever i just wanna know why! they r unhittable ;<
1 ISP monopoly that offers 512kbit connections only, everything higher costs a lot of money. this is what i've read, dunno if it's true.
thats why

image: hitmode-2
this is why i hate trying to get headies from siderape <3___<3
when i aim @ the mouth and nose i get bodyshot :D when playin against polish wankers :o
big crosshair? and blame urself, if u cant hit its your own fault
also depends alot where the server is located

iceland&poland are quite far from each other so its pretty normal that either of you cant hit:P
server located in uk poltards have around 110 ping and icelandic around 91
try a german server
ah that explains allot ^^ danke sehr!!!
you just suck
well ur a fintard and ur unhittable aswell so u cant even answer. and no i dont suck ill pwn u anytime
After that crushing insult from a 21 year old I just crawl back to my cave
well ur 19 and in 2 years u will understand that there is no diffrence between 19 year old and 21 year old ur still the same. and ur insult wasn't better than mine so stay in ur cave.
Well yeah you are right, I have never been so convinced about my greatness that I would boast to other people
wtf r u on about?
"and no i dont suck ill pwn u anytime"
you answered my question about why i cant hit other pplz like polaks with "u just suck" and i answered u with ill pwn u anytime and now ur sayin that ur not convinced about ur greatness explain pl0x couse ur talking crap..
it lies, no latvia+est where its about 10mb/s also!:(
what an insult for the icelandic community. j3ztorr "getting owned" for calling finnopallos unhittable. wow...

speed =/= ping
imo get skill :)
Welcome to et :|
try to expiriment with b_antilag 0 1 and 2
i tried 0 and my acc went from 50 to 20 o.O
I couldnt hit no matter how hard i tried lol...
Whats the difference?
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