new tft - how to recalc fov/sens

got a 22" tft today and want to change my fov and sens now. or: i need to.

how to make it look/feel like before?

[e] widescreen
Don't change.
deine mudda.
samsung 223bw
how is it? any problems with the 5ms respondstime when gaming?
looks fine, tho i didnt have problems with my sony va panel which hat tearing and stuff
you have widescreen?
oh shit ^^ i played on a widescreen @ cdc3 and it was a rly hard change of fov
i never lie, if you played well with it ok but i need some minutes to habituate
Well what i've heard about my lan skills everyone says i sucked :[ but i didn't notice anything different
yes after playing a match or 2 you don't recognise some changes but at first it was different (for me)
even from regular to LCD is hard at first time
i guess the sens change will be much harder
when i got 22 after being used to 19 crt@120hz/1024x768 i just used the "no scale" option in my gfx driver cp(black borders at each side), but later i discover that native res is the way 2 go, so now i'm playing at 1680x1050 and after getting used 2 it i like it, fov i don't know but mby this link can help
crosshair and fonts are somehow stretched a bit. (whole hud is)
is that usual?
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