just played ps3 etqw demo

its actually rly fun, there is some auto aim and i did own the server and ppl called me a cheater lol, but thats just because its a demo and people didnt understand the game right

its so much better than the pc game though, lots of callvotes pre-set making it a similar experience to the pc version and when you create a game it fills in like 2 seconds, really active.

maybe i'll buy it
auto aim lol :D
plz aim with some shit of a joystick^^
Hey Oliver :< Long time no talk :<
Couldn't be better :> My school application to vocational school was accepted. Hows you? :P
well pritty good :>

i went together with my gf to our own little flat, university is going well, i m finishing the second semester, everything is fine :)
yeah. thats the reason i hate playing fps with consoles :/
check some halo 3 pros, its possible xD maybe you can turn this autoaim off in full version anyway xD but its nice with it on tbh, but annoying when noob kills u xD
i hate it, i cant play with such console shit (not fps games)
agree, so fucking frustrating when you know you rape everyone @ pc where real skill is involved (coz ur a competitive gamer), and then u go play with some friends on a console and this shitty crap gay controller with cunt autoaim @ pussy console + fps = epic fail and makes u lose :/
I owned everyone on Halo when we played 4on4 with friends too easy to aim with that joystick!
auto aim lol :D
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