ET:QW for £4.49 for anyone wanting to give it a go on the cheap :D
you suck you didnt try the game. And even if you tryed you cant play it with your sucky computer sucker.
not even for 0€....
oh wow. soon they will pay you to take the game.
Soon doesn't come fast enough for Crossfire users it seems.
more like soon doesn't come fast enough for the people that think the game is too shit to spend money on it
Parent = 9,31GBP... you won even with cheap Poland
i sold it for 10€
It's free ö
ö took me a while to figure it out =DD

it owns ö
now if only they'd do it to CoD4 too :(
or ORR!! for the same amount you could buy a couple of boxes of screws and nails, and stick them in your eyes. Far more enjoyable and better use of resources.
Is that just as enjoyable as hitting the ban button next to your name?
just out of curiosity, what would you ban him for?

for not liking a game that you defend so passionately(and being only one in doing so) and for trying to be funny?

there are all kinds of people indeed
For the fun, just like "buying a couple of boxes of screws and nails, and sticking them into your eyes".
These youngsters, need to flex their e-penis on a daily basis. Obviously my poor attempt at monday humour was far more offensive and derogatory than the 'etqw sucks' comment near the top.
It may be. I suggest you try both and see for yourself!
so much hate against a game...
At least I had fun playing it.
ye, i agree most guys that hate the game didnt even try it. Like ET was that good ET was crap when it was released. Same with ET:QW but with promod it rocks.
what's the point of buying a dead game

they should make it free, maybe at least then there would be more than 100 players around
It isn't free and there are more than 100 players around, don't be ridiculous.
stop bashing the game if you didnt play it.
who said I didn't? maybe that's why I'm bashing it, because I actually did?

brain activity ftw
Not worth it... competition is dead
competition isnt dead that my clan kapoks never has problems to find matches anyway. If i spent like 2hours searching a match than its death. Its not that active like many other games. But it has a small tight community. Thats also positive, you dont play randoms that own you suddenly like in ET, less cheaters.
quake wars trully is the fail of the millenium :D
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