wh or ?

midget allies?
cant see shit
pic is too big
think so.. if it would be infront of the window , the model would be bigger i guess
jumping out of window/wh? little small to tell 100%
cut from a pbss i think :/.
wh u can see his whole body through the wall :/
looks like he's jumping out of the window
wh withou any doubt.

image: pb000085fk9lc8
his legs are too low to be on the upper floor though /:
but he is also too litle to be in from of the build, jumping :\
well, it depends on fov, resolution + pbss does some weird stuff sometimes.
he could jump on this wooden thingys @ allies spawn
looks a bit strange - can see the entire player model, but it could just be a bug.

normally don't wallhacks show player models in different colours etc to indicate whether or not they're behind objects?

unless this is a cheapo bot or smth
you can choose how a wh should work, it's not only a 'cheap bot' feature
an expensive bot would be pbss proof
wh, no doubt
no wh.

jumping out of window with the usual "midget-bug" on pbss
never heard about this bug!!!
dl u2's cfg, in some wierd cases you can see ppl on sd like this guy does.
it got something to do with 16 bits afaik!
he could be falling down from those...wtf are they called in that house...logs? ;D
rafters, beams.
image: rafters

ye thats the word :P ty
then its still wh ;D
i didn't say its not wh, was reading above and ppl we're saying hes jumping out of the window, so i suggesed he might be jumping/falling down from the beams. stated myself wrong.
i think that was my fault :P but i think he is walking on those "beams"
jumping out of the window and the other one has fuckin' shit low cfg ^^
who is it? :>
well i think it's just a bug
i have the same thing once a while that you can c some guy standing true a wall
thought it had something to do with my old geforce 4
it's like a free wallhack :)
there is no bug where you can see someone through wall mate x)
there is.. but it doesnt work anymore (depthbits 16)
then there isnt any bug anymore ;)
thats what i said
still works fine here 8-)
ye it will work on LAN or something, the cmd is forced to 32 or 24 in a CB config though.
I only play pubs
maybe that's the reason
You can also force it with rivatuner ;D
photoshop skillors

He jumped inside that house and fell reaching the window's floor :xD or photoshop
wh no doubt, u r a fucking retarded nigger if you think he's jumping out the window. go back to art class and learn about perspective.
According to people in #cheatbusters.et Punkbuster screenshots might distort the player models making them look smaller then they really are.

Though this was a while ago I was told this so I might be wrong.

I also think it looks like the guy is jumping down from the window
wh, he's like getting up from a crouch if you see his right leg is a bit folded and the other is a bit longer, he's like getting up from a crouch!



jeje says(16:33) :
demo needed
demo from warmup?
warmup or not, if we want to be fixed, we need the demos. ( From the allies, or the axis, doesnt metter cuz with the allies we can see if he jump out the window :p )
no1 records warmups..
kk, so for you I'm an idiot. I could say same for you dude.
so if i dont record all of my warmups im idiot?
Where didi I said this? I could say idiot to you because you're telling me idiot for something so stupid ...
there is no point recording warmups.. so its stupid...
true, but still I do record everytime when I connect on a serv. Whatever , I don't really care and you too I think :p
clear wh
the dude is way too small imo.. so i would say that wh.
Current Clan

Fear Factory X-Fi

Clear hax :DDD
it isnt imo..
wh =) or pbss bug ;<
Congratz - u definitely got the topic right.
16-bit bug, happens to me all the time. Especially at that place.
"16bit bug or wallhack, either way, a bannable offence by cb. afaik it was stated that abuse of 16bit bug gets you banned in cb just like a wh."

I suggest you stop using it.
Yeah, I already disabled it. I didn't know cb would ban you for such a known bug :s
I remember the statement from few years back, I dont know if they have actually banned anyone due to that bug but you never know, sometimes they do something, most of the time not.
better be safe than sorry :D
it aint so useful anyway. atleast now when battery is out of the maplist and people got rid of upstair supply defence. knowing if there's guy leaning on the up window was beneficial sometimes.
in this screen, we can see a guy jumping out of the window, nothing more, his legs are beneath rafters
16bit bug or wallhack, either way, a bannable offence by cb. afaik it was stated that abuse of 16bit bug gets you banned in cb just like a wh.
wiadro said:

Ok few words from my way of view.
First about pbss... He's jumping it's just obvious his left leg isn't on the ground, I guess it's bug dunno which one maybe this 'midget-bug' or 16bit like some people wrote.
About me being cheater...I'm not some newcomer, u can see that just by looking @ my profile ( http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=7698 ). I attended 2 LAN parties. On GGT2008 I was choosen the best player @ LAN, there were ettv and u could see replays after GGT finished. Why u didn't accuse me of cheating that time?
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