XP SP2 or Vista

Hello, My new pc arrives tomorrow and i've got both ready to install, what one should i choose?

Thanx :)

Edit: Cheers Crossfire \o>
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
dont even think about vista
gtfo vista
they told me to use XP also, had the same question few days ago :)
SP3 is out now for XP, but I'd say Vista with SP1 installed ftw!
If it's a bad PC , XP SP3

If it's a good PC Vista Home Premium SP1

Anyone telling you something different is a noob
That makes 75% of XFire users noobs then!
Doesn't make , it's a fact :D
lol any1 saying different is a noob.
guess that makes most of the professional computer world wrong then.
XP SP3 or linux
xp sp2 plx
vista is crap, stick to xp
mac os x leopard
vista, end of story, or xp if ur pc is crap
Stormeh likes Sailors :D

- cheek of you not texting me back earlier
why do you even ask.. xp ofc
windows kick after vidrestart in vista for me + need noaccelfix and simple usbpatch
wtf , dude I don't have that kick

+ disabling accel is easy , just use the reg file
+ for usbrate just use HIDUSBF
lol tried everything.
Disable UAC

Try it in safe mode

Give permissions to all users in the registry

The last thing was needed when no settings were being saved (on XP , should work for vista)
windows xp sp2 stay there be safe be happy forever

oh i have a really expensive copy of vista business for free if you want it - PM me and pay for postage only - noobs only apply
vista for sure,cos i like the drama
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