GeForce GTX 260/280 released today,review-30971.html

£400 starting price over here though :OOOOO
Nerds are wanking when they see it, im not one of them, i got geForce 4200!
will u buy one for me?
edit: i got GeForce 8600 GT
i got the 8800 ultra when it was £400

jobs are wonderful things
Must suck to see the price drop to almost half after a month or two though.
same like buying an iphone and seeing the v2 pop up 2 months later for a much lower price

pretty much like every tech product
yep, it pays to wait around for a while imo.
yes well..something comes up in a huge price, then you wait a month and the price is lower, but then u see a new version coming out in the same price, so if you wait for the new version's price to go lower, a new version will be released, and the old one will be lower, so, fuck me! im buying it when it comes first :<
That's the way to do it!
or just buy pizza, prices doesnt rly drop =/
shouldn't wait 2 months with buying a pizza though
cause then it will hate bungeejumping
new journal plz!
here the GTX260 is around 350 euros
and the GTX280 is around 550euros

I will buy
2xHD4850 Crossfire
or one big beast like the GTX260 in the next weeks dont know yet :<
Or maybe a cheap 9800GTX, because prices are going down fast now.
Are you kidding me?You have 9800X2 and u want smth new, what for?
i sold it! for 300 2 weeks ago. :)
And even funnier i bought i 2 months ago for 300 euro so i didnt make any loss but i had the pleasure to play 6 weeks with it \o/
hes prob lying >.>
nah not rly 9800GX2 9600GT 8800GTS 512MB

Playing with the 9600GT till i buy something new

There are even guys allready playing with GTX280 TRI-SLI thats fucking wicked :DDD
1500 euros for graphics cards \o/ My maxium what i spend on graphics cards is 300
is it huge massive big diffrence compare to 8800GT? :S
compared to what card?
ops compare to the280/260 things
ye a big diffrence ofcourse. But mostly on high resolutions.
how long do you think my 8800gt and q6600 will handle high settings on games, i mean for how long? as every year settings are getting higher
no clue. I cant look in the future :)
lol, 9800GX2 is better than both of them
not rly on higher resolutions mostly the GTX280 wins. And in games where SLI isnt working good the GTX280 is better.
Anandtech's test. most of the times GX2 wins or is still very close to GTX280's performance, even on 2560x1600. also the GX2 is cheaper

edit: was meant to reply to Zenix but w/e
thats only one test mate there are like 15 reviews =) And the 9800GX2 = 2x8800GTS 512MB IN SLI. So that are basicly 2 cards. And the GTX280 is alone and allmost beat them. Thats pretty nice. But still the prices are too high. But for games with poor SLI performance the GTX280 is the best.
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