RtCW cdkey and Activision customer support

I bought Return to Castle Wolfenstein - the Extended Edition in 06/2004 from http://www.play.com . I played it only once, everything was looking fine for me, as I didn't play the game that often due ET. Well, know last week when I thought I play the game again, I noticed my cdkey was banned? I was like what, how can that be since I haven't the played the game in years. I did a search with my PBGUID.. and guess what, I see +8000 users/nicks with it. Of course some cheaters from Norway, US, Canada, and so fort.

That obviously meant the cdkey was compromised somehow. I checked the first times that my cdkey was in the punkbusted & pbbans database. The date was bit surprising, 3 - 6months BEFORE I had bought the game.

Of course I contacted Activision to sort this issue, since no one will unban a cdkey that is in public use by cheaters. Also, I didn't ask them to such thing in the first place. I had the receipt, fortunately the store stores them online so it was easy to proof date of purchase to Activision. So I have everything to prove I am the legal owner of the product.

Activision support responded quite quickly of my question replacing the cdkey, but the answer I didn't expect. The support claimed that this is my fault, and I should contact pbbans and punkbusted to get the cdkey unbanned. I was like whaat?! I didn't ask for the cdkey to be unbanned, I asked for a replacement key for a key that was in use before I even bought the game. Second, pbbans or punkbusted can't unban anyone(correct contact would be Evenbalance), and it would be foolish since thousands use my cdkey.

I sent another reply showing explaining the situation very thoroughly. Again they reply fast. They don't have replacement keys, only way they could get one is by opening a game. And it's my fault again for the cdkey for being in public use BEFORE I bought the game.

Again, I was quite dissatisfied with such answers, and asked for the support to get someone else response on the issue. Well they did, now they claimed that it's the stores fault. Thing to notice, the game was wrapped in plastic when I got it.

Now I am waiting for their next response...

A question for the audience, have you experienced similar problems with RtCw or any other cdkey tied game? For Counter-Strike / HL I remember the times when cdkey was printed outside of the packaging.. Must have been fun. Your thoughts? Should the store or Activision replace the key? If not either, why?
Too much ...
I bolded the part that is like a summary of the situation.
Oh , that sucks :(
lol n1 activision!
U got so owned by whole fucking society
someone "stole" cd key in store before u

this key got on sites like serials.ws

hackers used them

nobody is responsible for ur problem

so society fucked U
Well, I buy a legit copy of a game, I think it's fair to correct such an error.

They could just gift me the game on Steam? That way the key is ensured not the be in use. They have to have somekind of keygen somewhere, since Steam has to get the cdkey also.
try to imagine activision studios, work atmosphere etc, do you rly think they care ?:D
I think they should before I unleash a jihad to them :D
rofl @ activision, you could try asking id software about this
I thought the publisher is responsible for the packaging, manuals, and so fort.

The way Activision reply to me is out of this world. Took 4 messages for them to figure out the cdkey was indeed in use before I bought the game. And then it's the stores fault for a game that is wrapped in plastic. I know you can wrap thing again, but this seems highly unlikely thing to happen.
Send them a bomb.
Send them a bomb.
send them a bomb
i heard of similar stuff before.

there is not much you can do about it.
I always thought they would be helpfull. I just recently bought Call of Duty 4 and Quake Wars. No problems with those, I had to check just o be on the safeside.

I did hear that they would replace keys in similar situation, but they claim they have never done that.
i hope, for you, that they solve this and give you a new key.

but i highly doubt that.
I hope for that too, but their attitude problem is almost as big of an issue.

To be fair for Activision, I've only dealt with two of their support staff.
activision should replace the key, you can whine at them that some dude working there stole your cdkey and made it public, stealing cdkeys at stores is impossible

"nigga stole my cdkey"
And then he wrapped it in plastic again :)

The thing that makes this riducolous is the fact that the cdkey had been in use before I bought the fucking game.
i dont get it why they dont send you a new key, i mean, you proved that you bought it and that the key was in use BEFORE you bought it... nvm gl man
buy a new one 10euros and u're clean :o
That's what they said in the first place. I am finnish, and I will not succumb to such decision. I bought the game already once, that should do it.

If they don't replace it, well what can I do? Nothing much, but I will not stop willingly and say "that's it" before I've tried everything.
This is the loser's solution.
i know lol but i think they wont never give you a new key\game :(
Well, so far you are right :) But what's the use in giving up easily?
well if you want to fight i wish you GL with ur battle :D
Here is the last reply I got from them:


If the store sold you a key that was already used then
you will need to take the game back to the store you
bought it at for an exchange. If you have any further
questions feel free to contact us.


A new one game just now:


It is likely that the store resold you a [bgame that was returned by another customer. This happens frequently. Stores can re-shrinkwrap an item and put it back on the shelf.[/b] Once the retailer sells it then it is thier responsibility to exchange it if they sell you a previously opened product. This is especially true with software that has a license key like this one.


Well, I bought the game as new. I will mention the store now, as it makes more sense to make it clear that they are reputable. www.play.com
go back to the store, with printe versions of the mails you got.

explain them everything and prove it with the mails.

if the store doesn't give you a new one...fuck his shit up (j/k lol)
It was from play.com, they are very slow with email responses. I emailed them this same time as I contacted Activision support. They haven't replied. Big store, too few people to answer of the customer service.

For a game that has basically no retail value nowdays Activision aren't willing to replace the cdkey. I can't do shit, not funny at all. 15euros isn't much, but to talk about cheating money from customer ...
If you still have the proof of bought you may get a refund or a replacement. I'm not sure you'll have much success considering that there have passed 4 years since you bought it.
I can't blame activision either. They sold the game to the shop. The shop sold it to you and now you want another CDKEY. It's like activison giving you a key for free. Imo the shop should solve this problem.
well, the cdkey was in use before I bought it. I agree that someone should solve this, but if the game is shrinkwrapped and sold as new - I trust that. play.com doesn't (usually) mess with their stuff. I asked them too for a reply, they are slow as hell. I haven't received a reply in week.
It means that the crackers got the CDKEY:
1) From the guys that build the game packages
2) Revrese generated (is there an algorithm? is it possible?)

In both sitations is very hard to point the guilty person. The shop can give you a new CDKEY only if they have a certain contract with activision that states who's responsable for this sitations. Otherwise I don't think they have any obligations at all...
Well, that would obviously mean that the customer, being me, is an asshole :))

I am sure that the store will say it is Activision's fault, and Activision says it's the store's fault.
So if someone sells you a movie, what you can't look or a vegetable you can't eat, no one's responsible? It doesn't work like that, it's always publisher's or the store's responsibility to make sure that the product you buy, offers you the things you have been promised.
go back in the year 2004 and exchange it
Tell me how, or don't, do me a service you go to 2004.
That's bullshit. Both the store you purchased the game from and Activision are at fault here imo.

The 'we'd have to open the game' line is a pile of shit, as they are responsible for the generation of said cd-keys. Surely they can provide a new one.

The store the game was brought from is obviously shit too, as people are able to open sealed games and take CD keys from them?

Both poor examples of customer service :(
play.com is reliable, but their customer support is slow. I haven't had a response from them yet.

Even if it's only 15euros, I can't see how it is so hard for them just to make another happy customer.

The customer support indeed explicitly stated that they don't:
a) have cdkeys, unless they open a copy of the game
b) have sent cdkeys ever to anyone, ever
c) in the same email the guy said it's my fault
Did you buy it from play, or was it through one of the play resellers?
From play, it states so in the receipt, and it shows that the game was bought as new.

I've buyed few books with the playseller function, and it worked fine, but it has a "playseller" logo, and the receipt is different.

It will be very very tedious to get any kind of answer from play.
I just saw ur clan and got eye cancer -_-. I have electronics exam in 2 days. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
You mean the compact name? We play under the name of "^2sFx ^7nick" nowdays, if it's anything else it is a mixed.
Im talking about MOSFET :-&. Im in deep TTL and other kind of digital electronics monsters. I hope ill pass this one.
Yeah, it's a nice name :) But not my idea :)

I've studied some electrical engineering stuff due my studies, but not as a main goal. It's more related to powering houses and their electrical systems that involve the concept of "thinking home". Solar energy, geothermal heating and so on :)
Im at computer science. Why the f**k am I learning how deep the rabbit hole goes? Beats me... Stupid college.
haha, tough luck. dont even consider giving up. after all the mess when they finally admit that its their fault, request free vouchers or something from them as its their responsibility to solve this problem and since it has already caused you so much trouble you are entitled to some reimbursement.
Well, I guess they aren't too willing to do that either.



Unfortunately we do not have any extra keys to give/sell you. There are only enough keys to go with the amount of copies of the game that were printed. It is up to the store to give you a product with a valid key.
keep on bugging them, request people with more authority and so on. if none of that isnt helping, "threaten" them by saying that you will be taking this further if necessary.
Where is this "further" :) They already replaced the first person that I was in contact with, since he was proven wrong and I asked him to forward the issue for someone of his superiors.

As for play.com, they are very fucking hard to get in touch with. Phonecalls will cost a lot money, which they won't refund. Emails they take ages to answer due large customerbase.

Then there is the sum, it is merely 15euros, so I don't think you can go far with, since it is a miniscule sum for some parties.

I just wonder, if they don't have keys, why won't they send me it on Steam?
further, like unblind mentioned, and have you asked for steam version of the game? also you can ask for any kind of reimbursment which you can later trade to working (new) rtcw key (if you want, you can even mention this, I wouldnt though)
Well, I've only asked to supply me working cdkey, or steam version of the game which is essentially a working cdkey.

I haven't asked for reimbursement yet, if I will, I guess they say the same thing. "We can't/won't/don't due..."
there are two routes you could go down through activision here:

either go as high as you can in the company (cut out all these help desk gimps) and show the conversations you've had so far and ask "what can you do for me?"

or send a firm but polite email demanding full reimbursement and send a copy to all developers and suppliers involved as well..
I will do both, but I already asked the first customer service guy to forward this to his superior. I guess this newest guy is him, since his answers aren't straight from clip & paste.

I will go higher if needed, I will ask him to forward the message.

I have been very polite, contrary of to what the first person was towards me. Also, the Activision customer system is kind of a ticketing system in way. They use this: http://www.rightnow.com/crm.html

The new persons see everything that has been said by me, and by them.
i mean top possible level

if you can get an email to CEO / MD or their assistants you're much more likely to get results
no wonder they fuck up things like this, if they're the ones responsible for quake 4, et:qw and cod4
You know what, I own all those games :D Makes this even more funny :=)
own as in have them at home, or OMG I PWN? :)
Have them at home :D I don't suck in ET:QW, but I suck in Quake 4.
wanna trade your q4 key for my rtcw key? :D
I have only one sentence for you.

Welcome in the real life !
cheaters always win!

A disc replication plant makes the discs and prints the keys. They keys are put on at the plant. We do not have any keys here."

In the end, I don't really care how the key was compromised, or what they have to do to replace it, but so far no gain.
too much to read
you can still play on 1.0 servers and there is more of them than 1.4 servers :X

hf with all the hackers :x
my cd-key has too like 1000000000 bans :XD
don't buy games in onlineshops...
it's well known that they steal the keys, also happened in some english game stores.

i never experienced anything like that, but i wonder what in their opinion was your fault...

the store has to replace it ;)
I've always thought that play.com is reliable, and it has been for me. They've never sold me a used game, bought 20 or so games from them before. No problems, except for Unreal 3 being dinged in the mail, so they refunded me.
Just to make you feel better. Whole Latvian RTCW community had stolen keys from abroad shops/dcplusplus.
brb calling to teh cops
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