'chipping' XBox 360

Anyone with a 360 got any experience in 'chipping' it and playing copied games, or anything similar?

I've had it done on all of my previous Playstations etc, but there doesn't seem to be anyone doing it on the newer consoles!

I see 360 games on torrent sites etc so it must be possible :-(
we have it here =(
google some tutorials on how to do it yourself
Somebody I know did it himself and he's a total retard so shouldn't be that hard.

And alot of people mod the shitbox 360 so there should be enough tutors on the internetz.
buy real games and you dont need to.
many thanks for this highly informative and worthwhile post.
you welcome
i did it myself. was really hard but i had a good tutrial.
total cost ~ 15€

and it takes much time 3-5 hours
yes, it's so easy... well you don't really chip it, you just modify the dvd player firmware. www.xbox-scene.com -> tutorials
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