another exam journal #2

Today i had my english law oral exam. Its the only one i am 100% sure i passed (because she said it was pretty good).

Now, i have 2 exams left and 1 week to learn for each, but those are the hardest with a fail rate of like 60%.

For those who still have exams, gl and keep studying. For those who are already finished (thx @ schmö) - just fuck you :D

image: rape4chan
i am almost finished, all i ve to do is 1 presentation :)
i got 100 in my english oral exam :~>
100$ for your oral "exam"?
you give good oral
Quotebecause she said i was pretty good

What did you do with her? Don't think you talked :D
lol, thats just so dumb ^^
i has math reexam in 14 days and i have 5 written and 3 oral in the end of august.

just got my english oral, tomorrow dutch oral and friday german oral
good luck
it's: already finished.

you are ready before starting something. finished if you are done with something.
hi @ grammar nazi ^^
sry but sth like that is liek sand in my eye..
done tomoroww

i have biology/geology exam in 2 hours =(
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