Schweiz singt Strophe eins (GER)

image: HB4raCyo_Pxgen_rc_Ax311,467x311+0+0

Deutschland gegen Österreich am Montag: Während ganz Deutschland die Nationalhymne mit "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das deutsche Vaterland" anstimmt, wird im schweizer Fernsehen die erste Strophe "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles" (usw) komplett als Untertitel angezeigt...

Kleiner Fehler zweier junger Sportredakteurinnen, die nun noch drei Mal die Möglichkeit haben jeweils den richtigen Text einzublenden xD

in a week we will sing schade deutschland alles ist vorbei
at least we qualified..
what about latvia?
ahh je bent nl.. oke nvm :D
die möglichkeit werden sie noch genau einmal gegen portugal haben ;o
awa, die ham in der vorrunde nur nach dem motto "im warmup keinen skill zeigen" gespielt, gegen portugal drehen die auf!
ich sing immer die 1ste strophe mit. is bei uns familientradition.
schade england bleibt zu haus
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei

well not yet, but in a week it will
I'm Netherlands, and Germany will lose from Portugal

final will be Netherlands vs Portugal and Netherlands will prolly lose that but lets hope they won't lose.
I'm Germany and Germany will win from Portugal

final will be Netherlands vs Germany and Germany will loose because Netherlands deserves it more!
finaly somebody from Germany who is saying Netherlands will win.

And Germany vs Netherlands will be a nice epic final :D but I still prefer playing the final vs a stronger Portugal team.

I realy thought Germany was going to win this EK/EM/EC but seeing them play so shitty doesn't make me happy, they can do much better imo.

And I'm realy happy Netherlands won from Romania with a B-team since Romania was the hardest oppenent for Netherlands because Netherlands always plays alot better vs stronger teams then vs sucky 11 fags defence teams.
well actually i hoped straight from the beginning that Germany will do this, after that encouraging match vs Poland, then Croatia came and rly owned Germany.

My favoorite is Netherlands, not only from now on but from the very first match vs Italy, and yea winning with the B-team against Romania ain't any kind of weakness :p

still I got some hope left, after the match vs weak Austria
i think Germany will beat Portugal, and why would a final Netherlands - Germany be epic fail? :p
not an epic fail, but an epic final!!!

Germany will go crazy if they lose from Netherlands in a final again :P

but it will be a very nice final since both teams realy want to kill each other :D
lol i actually read "fail" :D, maybe coz there's so much usage of this word :s :D

anyways, the only team that i'm hoping to drop put is Italy since they won the WC '06 kinda unfair imo!
Netherlands will bash Italy for a second time in the 1/2 finals

np for Robben, Kuyt, van Nistelrooy, Sneijder, van der Vaart and all the other offensive players van Basten took with him. And van der Sar will keep the goal clean ofc.
u forgot van persie!!1

i hope it's gonna be like Netherlands 3/4 : 0 Italy
I hoep so also but Italy will prolly play better then they did the first match. But Netherlands has already showed whats it's capable to do.

I think Italy will start playing the old counter only game again which kinda sucks for a team liek Netherlands but we saw what a B-team can do cs Romania so the normal team should be able to do the same against Italy.

Lets just hope we'll meet each other in the finals :D
w0rd :) <3

edit: lol @flagspam :DD

the flags look great :D

they make this journal way more intresting
lold xDDD
lold xDDD
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
Lange lebe Franz, der Kaiser,
In des Glückes hellstem Glanz!
Ihm erblühen Lorbeerreiser,
Wo er geht, zum Ehrenkranz!
lold XDDD
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei
schade deutschland alles ist vorbei

well not yet, but in a week it will
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