an old saying :~>

once upon a time there was an old woman with 2 jars, each jars was on the side of a long stick and the stick itself was on the old woman neck.

one of the jars were cracked and the other one were perfect and always supply full amount of water.
from the long road from the river to the old woman house, the cracked jar only have half amount of water, this was on daily bases for 2 years the old woman brought home 1 and a half jar and sure the craked jar was proud in himself.

but after all that time the craked jar were miserable and feel shame in his imperfection that he could only do half the job that he meant to do.

1 day after 2 years the craked jar turn to the old woman and said to her "im ashame of myself, because of the crack i have, half of the water spill till we get to your house from the river"...
the old woman looked at him and said "did you ever notice that there is a garden of flowers on your side, and not on the other side? thats because i knew about your crack all this time so i planted some seeds on your side, and you watered them for 2 years, so only because your crack i could decorate my house and bring joy to it"

the point of this story is to tell we all have our uniqe cracks, but its those cracks that make our life so interesting and special.
you should look at someone the way he is, look at the good inside him :O)

so all my lovley crossfire "cracked" members, send this to your cracked friends ;p

btw took me lots of time to translate it from hebrew ='(

random picture:
more few seconds, im in a middle of a talk =X
image: Random_CrappyoDetail
oh plz, finally something nice, but i guess things like this are not for retards
Got ur point.

Someone post that cute clappity-clappity bunny!
read this pl0x
you rly enjoy it, i know i did =D
as you wish, its your lost ~!~
I'd sent this to my 'cracked' friends if only i had any :<
Oh and if it was in better english.
you are more then welcome to translate it to a better english =X
=] 'each jars -> jar
one of the jars were -> was
one were perfect -> was

Etc etc too lazy to point out all the mistakes, but i was just jokin ;) It's a good story with a nice morale ppl can learn from it ;)
Bad english is just one of your cracks ;D
its an advantage ;)
watch zeh game
more than like an emo/ a joke than gangsta!
it not meh ;D
nice story
îú÷ùøéí îäöáà òðéúé
to put a smile on your face !
engrish is rly not that good, yet good enough to understand.

but i guess it doesnt fit the literary standards of all the intellectual elite here on cf :(
nah, i know they all read it ;p
I'm amused by your linguistic imperfection, because English is rly not that good either.
i knows, it sukks. i guess i are average cf user?!

edit says: pls correct my n00b mistakes, i always wanto improve my lovv engirsh skills. :/
Odin One-Eye, teach me to sacrifice.
There are many things I can do, or be, or have,
but for everything I choose, there is a price to pay—
if only that one road taken means one not taken,
or that I got what I once had desired.
Again and again, life is full of choices,
and sometimes it seems something within me
has already made the choice for me.
Teach me to tell my soul´s deepest desire
from a passing whim,
and to know what gains are needful for me
instead of just convenient or for show.
Give me the wisdom to know
what things are worth a high price
and the courage to pay it.
Interesting and nice story. I also liked the random pictures you posted it actually made me smile with your comment that it took you quite long to translate ^-^
well it was worth to invest in this :>
I WOULD have sent it, but they wouldn't understand the engrish... :(
plz everyone understood it ;(
I'm just whining to whine, really, don't feel sorry about it. It was understandable, but I've long stopped asking perfect grammar and spelling from Crossfire users. Don't feel too bad about it, I was merely angry and annoyed and your Journal was an easy victim.
I could've just said OLD as well, but I decided against it.
lol wat?
i wanna see you writing in hebrew, and then we will see who will fix who ;(
There's a difference. I know I can't do Hebrew right, so I don't. When I write English, I always try to be as excellent as possible.
i dont know english, but i still try...
unlike you, i dont give up
in my exam i do the higest tests and have score 95
btw, i know to speak hebrew, arabic a little bit spanish =)
few words in romanian and russian :D
so im allowed to make mistakes in english :>
Yes, how very cute. If you have 95, I'm concerned for the level of your exams... Also, if you want to go at it... I know Dutch, German basics, French very well, Latin (and that means I can partially understand all derived languages, Italian anyone?), and a few words in Japanese. Don't feel too good about yourself, you're not the only one in school. Also, I don't give up. It's just since I don't know Hebrew I'd look like a moron to try and speak it. It's not like you speak Dutch, right? You don't know a language so you don't speak it.
but you are prolly european, you already use to it and thats what you done understand...
im middle eastern, so the accent, the thinking and how you say the words are different...
and what you dont understand is that i dont know english, but i speak it.
i learned english from tv and books.
now plz, next time i make mistakes, GTFO with you trying to correct me noob
Oh dear, I'm so offended by your tiny vocabulary. You say you learned English from TV and books. So did I. My level of English was already twice as high when I was just a kid than yours is now, only through TV and books. So don't go an take the "I'm a poor lad" tour. It doesn't work. Also, the Dutch way of saying things is entirely different from the English way, so once again that's really not a reference. It seems as though all of your arguments are being easily deflected, doesn't it?
Like I said in the beginning, don't start taking this personally. I could verbally slaughter you. Just don't.
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