Favorite Ever Scene

Be it Movie or Game etc, whats your fave scene.

Mine has to be the Raiden Vs Gekkos + Vamp cutscene in MGS 4, epic!
The pool scene in Eyes Wide Shut.
dont u think the costume maker's daughter is hot ? :o)
the actress yes, but not the character. :S
Come one the intro! Nude Kidman together with fantastic music, great colors and Kubricks classic simple cuts from the title to the movie.
scene from oldboy with the great plottwist!
The fight between seraph and neo @ the matrix

image: seraph
too many to list, from film/tv:

- River vs reavers @ Serenity
- Dae-su(iirc) at the end of Oldboy. HUGELY UNDERRATED MOVIE
- Battlestar Galactica 3x20 and 3x04, the two most epic moments in the shows history
- Jericho S1 Finale ("NUTS")
- Jack finding out that Claire is his sister during Lost S4, easily the best acting by Fox throughout the whole of LOST.

- Winston finding out that the resistance doesn't exist and that that O'Brian was fake. (1984)

might add more later
- Winston finding out that the resistance doesn't exist and that that O'Brian was fake. (1984)
best book ever tbfh
"I can't carry it for you, Mr. Frodo. But, I can carry you."
image: full_movieimage_10681
megan fox in the transformers....mmm
Best scene ever would be the dialog between Alex and Dumm (the stupid droog, I cant remember his name) after the later has made fun of the singing woman in the Korova Milk Bar in A Clockwork Orange.

Second best might be the intro scene in the above mentioned movie.

Third would be the walk by the water in the above twice mentioned movie.

Fourth best would be the scene where Alex is tested against a nude woman and a mean man in the above three times mentioned movie.

Well I guess there are lots of other good scenes worthy of a place in a top 10. Some examples are the "happy" scene in Pursuit of Happyness. The building exit towards the end of Children of Men. To many moments in Requiem of a Dream to be mentioned. Intro scene in Eyes Wide Shut. The capture at the end of Citizen X. Lots of stuff in Pulp Fiction.
think u need to watch some more films o.O
Not really, I watch quality!

And Clockwork Orange can pick so many top spots because its one of the best movies ever made. One of 4 I've given a 10.
mamalukes fighting @ cdc4
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