Midsummer Celebration

Morning fellas, it's this weeks last day at work. Tomorrow is day off for (almost) everyone in Finland, people are preparing to celebrate the midsummer (get drunk as hell). Weather forecast said that it's going to rain heavily everywhere in Finland but from what I see, it's not going to do that in this part of the country ( YESS! ).

My birthday is on saturday as well, so that gives me full rights to get drunk and celebrate right? Damn right! Me & my friends are invited to a party in Sweden (full of girls and stuff) and damn right we'll be there.

Anyway, how're you hangin' in there? Shoutout to Noorgrin mate!
in estonia tomorrow is still a workday but therefore monday and tuesday are free so theres 4 continous free days :P( i suppose ppl who have vacation from school dont rly care bout monday/tuesday being national holiday but i do cause im working) saturday/sunday going to south estonia with mates to camp n have a bbq n shit - monday and tuesday gonna rest and prepare for work again :)

e: good morning. currently here at work - trying to wake up by drinking coffee, soon office will be flooded by customers and gotta work my ass off but im looking forward to it rather than counting the minutes to the end of workday ( day goes much faster like that). also hb in advance already :P
Good morning m8 !

in Germany Germany everyone is getting drunk today, either cause we win @ EC or we lose :D
I don't like football but I can still wish luck for DE!
Midsummer is celebrated on monday here in Denmark.
lol I want a free day also for midsummer
Going to my friends cabin with my buddies. It is in lapland, no electricity, no tab-water, we have to drive there by a boat, sauna is right next to the warm lake etc etc.

Going to be a awesome trip.
Where exactly, I might know the place ?
Heh, I bet you don´t know it. But, in southern-Salla, near the village of Hirvasvaara, place called Joutsenlampi.
Mm yeah too far in the east, never been there.
Sounds nice!
Mid Zomer Nacht @ Timboektoe Bar @ Wijk aan Zee FTWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
and after that Day of the Surf \o/
Here rainy till monday -.-

Too bad RMJ went to FinlandPori =(
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