busted or not?

i need your opinion
Slovenia Label


boy's pbguid changes every day, i've got no other evidence though :(

(13:03:37) (Label`) ET MERC MED+ AVI
(13:06:15) (( /whois start ))
(13:06:15) —› Label` is "LabelOne" ([email protected])
(13:06:15) —› Label` voiced in #et.merc #exiliCa.et
(13:06:15) —› Label` reg in #crossfire #noway.et #tac2
(13:06:15) —› Label` using *.quakenet.org (QuakeNet IRC Server)
(13:06:15) (( /whois end ))
(13:06:26) —› dns: resolving (BSN-95-230-49.dial-up.dsl.siol.net)...
(13:06:27) —› dns: resolved (BSN-95-230-49.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) to (
(13:06:46) —› Looking up (Label`)'s country...
(13:06:46) —› Country lookup for (BSN-95-230-49.dial-up.dsl.siol.net)/( finished successfully: (Slovenia)

ip doesn't match on that yawn, probably new inet? matches on this one -> http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&pbGuid=7d9c4890
crossfire acc here http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=20347 and here http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=15122

imo yes

is it enough for at least ban from xfire?
im sure he is spoofing guids
Playing with tessaiga --> Cheater.
hes slovenian, i bet its aristo, mqtrii or veruna
i think the same. registered for a a month and a half :x.
slovenian flag says all

like irc-channel exilica
is tess was busted in the past because he is really strange.
he was on fusen list 8D
tess = tessaiga (proof avi if needed):

cheater-squad with tess and other obvious guys

ljubljana.... aristo/arkas/ataline/...
dont make aristo cry
You are just noob rise "cheater-squad with tess and other obvious guys" Label is not a cheater. Tess I don't know but Label and other guys no one is cheating fucking lowskill lowbrain whiner :s get skill and whine plz

I love whiner like you <3 owned=cheater np!
so your only defence is "get skill and whine plz no one is cheating fucking lowskill lowbrain whiner"

kinda funny when he calls me lowskill and noob and they even lose to us with cheats.

but these random insults are also the only way tessaiga tries to defend himself with

(22:43:50) (K-LibR`tess\4v) stfu lowskiller
(22:43:52) (K-LibR`tess\4v) -_-
(22:44:12) (K-LibR`tess\4v) get skill
image: tmb_990ae616d2ae43df981d3ef983221bc9

yes, we really got owned.... don't ask for 2nd map, there was no 2nd map, we kicked you after first map.

you know that tess is an etbot-user, i told you about it, i can even give you proof that tessaiga = tess. but you don't care and play with him, consequently you are nothing but a cheater-squad. and he's not the only one who's weird in your team (and that label is probably aristo even underlines my point). you play with etbot-users, that's pathetic, sorry. ouh and "lowbrain" honestly made me laugh =)

how did it feel to lose in 3on3 vs us even with cheats? must be depressing. i wouldn't really call that "owned" sorry.
1st about Aristo:
Im not aristo if you like it or not! We are same age, was in same school but his RL name is Luka Pegam! My RL name is Luka Viktor Rogac and there is student card and bank card!
image: xd

2nd about PBGUIDS:
I'm vista ultimate user and as (hope) you know i have problems with PB kick missing windows API function, that's why i uninstall and install ET and PB so often (almost every day) and hope kicks will be stop!
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