I'm irritated!

I've been hiccoughing for like 15 minutes and I can't stop it by any means (drinking, holding breath n stuff).

do you, dear and experienced crossfire users, have a tip how to stop it?
small teaspoon of sugar
shoot yourself
*make love to Slarto
nice, i guess it helped but still i have this strange feeling like if im going to hiccough but i dont
dont think at it
just use the wall for help or so
it will help
he means teh *hiiik* thing not coughing xD U kno like the thing that cartoon characters do when they are drunk xD
sounds like whooping cough wikipedia entry
if you run outside naked in the rain
over in a minute, np!
u need to drink that water under the bridge while standing on ur head duh...
oh, and water needs to b from well
make your dad choke you and take a picture and laugh it off?
Ignore it, like I will do to you.
stop breading moron
fail :dddd

(kmoet gewoon volgen, sry)
fail :dddd

(np :x )
dont think about it
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