Sad story

Once there was a boy and a girl. They loved each other very much and talked about everything and had fun together. The problem was that the girl had no eyes and she was very sad about it. She was always telling him: "I wish I could see just for a few seconds and I would be so happy".
One day an eye donor appeared. She made the operation and when she started to see she noticed that the boy didn't have eyes either. She looked at him and said: "I can't love a man without eyes. I am leaving now". On her way out, the boy said to her: " Please take care of my eyes!"
Morel of the story? Don't give girls anything because they don't appreciate fuck all.
:D hahahaha
That's not exactly the point :P. She didn't know those were his eyes. There's more to the moral.
The story ends short then? Also, just her leaving shows lack of moral.
Ungrateful cunt ain't she!!!
So if she knew it were his eyes she would have stayed with him? I doubt it.

He was probably shit ugly which is why he could only score with a blind chick, she was then able to see how fucked up he looked and left him.
Poor lad, he has to find another blind chick to fuck now =[
omg you made me sad
I warned you :P.
not rly nice....
omg im gonna slit my wrists now :'(
now i am even more sad:/ buba :<
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