need help with fps

hi crossfire community

i have a problem:

I can´t get 125 fps altough i´ve bouhgt a new graphiccard (geforce8600GTS)

MY system : Intel pentium 4 3,4 ghz
1,5gb RAM

i can´t understand why i can´t get 125. my graphiccard should be fine enough i think.

here my config:

seta sensitivity 1.337 // My sens

seta cg_fov 115 // My fov

seta com_hunkMegs 512 // Memory allocation for ET : 1/2 of available memory with max of 256
seta com_maxfps 76 // Sets max FPS
seta cl_maxpackets 100 // Sets maximum packets sent to server per second

seta r_displayRefresh 0 // Sets monitor refresh rate
seta r_gamma 1.8 // Sets overall ingame brightness

seta s_volume 1 // Sets sound volume

bind T messagemode // Opens global chat popup
bind Y messagemode2 // Opens team chat popup
bind U messagemode3 // Opens fireteam chat popup

bind V mp_quickmessage // Opens vsay menu
bind 0 mp_fireteammsg // Opens fireteam vsay menu

bind F4 vsay_team ftreviveme // Team voice : Revive me
bind F5 vsay_team ftresupplyme // Team voice : Resupply me
bind F6 vsay_team ftcallairstrike // Team voice : Call an airstrike
bind F7 vsay_team ftattack // Team voice : Attack
bind F8 vsay_team ftfallback // Team voice : Fall back
bind F9 vsay_team ftinfiltrate // Team voice : Infiltrate
bind F10 vsay_team ftchecklandmines // Team voice : Check for land mines

bind F11 ScreenshotJPEG // Takes a screenshot (jpeg)
bind F12 vstr r0 // Records a demo

bind KP_ENTER mp_fireteamadmin // Opens fireteam admin pannel
bind KP_PLUS selectbuddy -2 // Selects all fireteam buddies

bind KP_DEL vstr st // Sets enemy respawn time
bind KP_INS resetTimer // Sets enemy spawn time : press when they actually spawned

// Client Engine

seta com_ignorecrash 1 // Toggles values of unsafe cvars on game crash
seta com_soundMegs 24 // Memory allocation for sound system

seta con_autoclear 1 // Toggles clearing of unfinished text after closing console

seta cl_allowDownload 0 // Toggles auto-download
seta cl_autoupdate 0 // Toggles auto update
seta cl_doubletapdelay 0 // Sets delay between two forward taps while crouching to prone
seta cl_freelook 1 // Toggles mouse to Look Around
seta cl_maxPing 999 // Sets max ping for scanned servers
seta cl_mouseAccel 0 // Toggles mouse acceleration
seta cl_packetdup 1 // Sets number of duplicated packets
seta cl_run 1 // Toggles alwaysRun
seta cl_wwwDownload 1 // Toggles usage of external download links

seta in_joystick 0 // Toggles support for joystick
seta in_midi 0 // Toggles support for midi
seta in_mouse 1 // Toggles support for mouse

seta m_filter 0 // Toggles smooth mouse
seta m_pitch 0.017578125 // Sets vertical speed of mouse when in freelook
seta m_yaw 0.017578125 // Sets horizantal speed of mouse when in freelook

seta net_noipx 0 // Toggles usage of ipx
seta net_noudp 0 // Toggles usage of UDP
seta net_socksEnabled 0 // Toggles usage of socks server

seta rate 25000 // Sets max rate from server to client
seta snaps 20 // Sets number of snapshots sent by server to client

seta scr_conspeed 999 // Sets console sliding speed

seta vm_cgame 0 // Toggles virtual machine interpreter
seta vm_game 0 // 0 : Loads as binary .dll (fast)
seta vm_ui 0 // 1 : Loads as interpreted .qvm (slow)

// Client Game

seta cg_announcer 1 // Toggles announcer at match start
seta cg_atmosphericEffects 0 // Toggles drawing of Rain/Snow/lightning
seta cg_autoAction 0 // Toggles autoscreenshot, autorecord and autostats
seta cg_autoactivate 1 // Toggles auto-pickup of items
seta cg_autoswitch 0 // Toggles auto switch when weapon is picked up
seta cg_bloodDamageBlend 0 // Toggles blood splater
seta cg_bloodFlash 0 // Toggles blood flash when hit
seta cg_bloodTime 0 // Sets duration to keep blood blending on surfaces
seta cg_bobpitch 0 // Sets view pitching while moving
seta cg_bobroll 0 // Sets view rolling while moving
seta cg_bobup 0 // Sets view bobing up/down while moving
seta cg_brassTime 0 // Sets duration to keep used shells on maps
seta cg_complaintPopUp 0 // Toggles complaint popups when team-killed
seta cg_coronas 0 // Toggles rendering of halos around luminous light sources
seta cg_crosshairAlpha 1 // Sets crosshair primary alpha
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt 1 // Sets crosshair secondary alpha
set cg_crosshairColor White // Sets crosshair primary color //0xA0FFC0
set cg_crosshairColorAlt White // Sets crosshair secondary color
seta cg_crosshairSize 40 // Sets crosshair size
seta cg_crosshairHealth 0 // Toggles drawing of crosshair color based on current health
seta cg_crosshairPulse 0 // Toggles crosshair pulsing
seta cg_crosshairX 0 // Sets crosshair horizantal offset
seta cg_crosshairY 0 // Sets crosshair vertical offset
seta cg_cursorHints 4 // Toggles crosshair Hints
seta cg_descriptiveText 0 // Toggles display of limbo text

seta cg_draw2D 1 // Toggles drawing of hud elements
seta cg_drawCompass 1 // Toggles drawing of compass and command map
seta cg_drawCrosshair 5 // Sets crosshair type
seta cg_drawCrosshairNames 1 // Toggles drawing of player names
seta cg_drawFireteamOverlay 1 // Toggles drawing of fireteam layout
seta cg_drawFPS 2 // Toggles drawing of FPS counter
seta cg_drawGun 1 // Toggles drawing of gun
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime 1 // Toggles drawing of respawn time
seta cg_drawRoundTimer 1 // Toggles drawing of round timer
seta cg_drawSmallPopupIcons 1 // Toggles drawing of small popups
seta cg_drawSnapshot 0 // Toggles drawing of snapshot counter
seta cg_drawSpreadScale 1 // Toggles drawing of spread scale
seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash 2 // Toggles weapon icon flashing

seta cg_enablebreath 0 // Toggles breathing mist
seta cg_gibs 0 // Toggles rendering of player gibs
seta cg_instanttapout 1 // Toggles LMS limbo confirmation menu
seta cg_lagometer 0 // Toggles drawing of lagometer
seta cg_marktime 0 // Sets duration to keep wall marks
seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch 1 // Toggles auto-switch when weapon completely runs out of ammo
seta cg_noVoiceChats 0 // Toggles voice chats
seta cg_noVoiceText 0 // Toggles voice text
seta cg_quickMessageAlt 1 // Toggles usage of numbers or letters in vsay menus
seta cg_recording_statusline 478 // Sets vertical offset of recording status
seta cg_shadows 0 // Toggles rendering of player shadows
seta cg_showblood 0 // Toggles blood when players are hit
seta cg_teamChatHeight 8 // Sets max number of chats to be displayed
seta cg_teamChatsOnly 0 // Toggles filter for non-team chats
seta cg_teamChatTime 8000 // Sets duration of chats
seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG 1 // Toggles usage of jpeg for screenshots
seta cg_voiceSpriteTime 6000 // Sets duration for displaying voice tags above players
seta cg_wolfparticles 0 // Toggles particles effects
seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper 20 // Sets default zoom for scoped equipments
seta cg_zoomstepsniper 8 // Sets size of zoom steps

// Rendering

seta r_allowExtensions 1 // Toggles opengl extentions
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1 // Toggles compiled vertex array
seta r_ext_compressed_textures 1 // Toggles texture compression
seta r_ext_multitexture 1 // Toggles mutitexturing
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist 0 // Toggles hardware fog
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 0 // Toggles anisotropic filtering
seta r_ext_texture_env_add 1 // Toggles additive blending in multitexturing

seta r_anisotropy 0 // Sets level of AF
seta r_colorbits 32 // Sets color bits
seta r_depthbits 32 // Sets depth buffer bits
seta r_drawFoliage 0 // Toggles rendering of foliage
seta r_drawSun 0 // Toggles rendering of sun
seta r_dynamiclight 0 // Toggles dynamic lights
seta r_facePlaneCull 1 // Toggles culling of brush faces not in view
seta r_fastsky 0 // Toggles skybox shader
seta r_finish 0 // Toggles synchronization of opengl functions
seta r_flares 0 // Toggles light flares
seta r_fullscreen 1 // Toggles fullscreen
seta r_ignoreFastPath 0 // Toggles the use of hardware fast path in multitexturing
seta r_ignorehwgamma 0 // Toggles the use of hardware gamma
seta r_inGameVideo 0 // Toggles limbo videos
seta r_intensity 1,5 // Sets brightness of textures
seta r_lodbias 2 // Sets geometrical detail
seta r_lodCurveError 60 // Sets distance to drop curves
seta r_mapoverBrightBits 3 // Sets brightness of map
seta r_mode 6 // Sets screen resolution
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_overBrightBits 1 // Sets brightness of entities
seta r_picmip 0 // Sets texture size
seta r_primitives 0 // Sets rendering method of primitives
seta r_roundImagesDown 1 // Sets rounding factor of textures when they are resized
seta r_simpleMipMaps 0 // Toggles the use of *simple* mipmaps
seta r_subdivisions 16 // Sets curve details
seta r_swapInterval 0 // Toggles vsync
seta r_texturebits 32 // Sets texture color bits
seta r_textureMode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST // Sets texture filtering mode
seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 8600 GTS/PCI/SSE2"

// Sound System

// ETpro

seta b_altHud 2 // Sets alternate hud layout
seta b_altHudFlags 6 // Sets alternate hud bit flags
seta b_antilag 1 // Toggles antilag
seta b_backupcvars 0 // Toggles cvar backups
seta b_chatAlpha 0 // Sets transperancy of chat background
seta b_chatFlags 1 // Toggles display of team flags in chat
seta b_descriptivetextscale 0.75 // Sets font size of limbo popup

seta b_drawclock 0 // Toggles display of local time
seta b_drawPromotions 1 // Toggles display of Promotions
seta b_drawranks 0 // Toggles display of player ranks
seta b_drawRewards 1 // Toggles display of rewards
seta b_drawspectatoralpha 0 // Sets spectator text alpha while specting
seta b_drawspectatorteamflags 1 // Toggles display of team flags while specting
seta b_drawspeed 0 // Toggles display of player speed

seta b_chatsounds 0 // Toggles chat sounds
seta b_fireteamAlpha 1 // Sets transperancy of fireteam layout
seta b_fireteamLatchedClass 1 // Toggles display of buddies' latched classes
seta b_goatsound 1 // Toggles goat sound on knife kills
seta b_hitsounds 1 // Toggles hit sounds
seta b_hudYoffset 10 // Sets vertical offset of lower hud
seta b_lagometerAlpha 1 // Sets transperancy of lagometer
seta b_locationJustify 1 // Sets fireteam text indentation
seta b_locationMaxChars 24 // Sets fireteam max location length
seta b_locationMode 1 // Toggles fireteam location mode
seta b_logbanners 1 // Toggles logging of server banners
seta b_mapzoom 3.159 // Sets the compass map zoom level
seta b_muzzleflash 0 // Toggles drawing of muzzle flash
seta b_noactivatelean 1 // Toggles activate+strafe=lean
seta b_numPopups 7 // Sets max number of popups
seta b_optimizePrediction 1 // Toggles optimize code
seta b_panzerhack 1 // Toggles usage of weapon bank 2 for smg at level 4 heavy weapons
seta b_popupFadeTime 0 // Sets popup fade time
seta b_popupStayTime 2000 // Sets popup stay time
seta b_popupTime 0 // Sets popup delay
seta b_simpleItems 0 // Toggles usage of simple 2D items
seta b_shovesounds 1 // Toggles shove sounds
seta b_textcolorfilter "" // Sets filter for range of colors
seta b_tracers 0 // Toggles drawing of bullet tracers
seta b_votetextscale 0.75 // Sets font size of vote popup
seta b_watermarkAlpha 0 // Sets transperancy of server watermark
seta b_weapaltReloads 0 // Toggles usage of weapalt key to reload

i hope u can help me with this question
its not fucking caturday yet mister
try fov 90 ! seroiuslu
how many fps u have?
On my old computer i need to run fraps to get 125 fps on etpro :D
change fps from 76 to 125 ffs :|
of cousre i did "seta com_maxfps 125"

if i do this i get about 80-110 fps but not always (sometimes they go down to 60 or smt like that)

cg_fov 90 doesnt help (fps about 80)
ctrl alt del, close pnkbstrb and pnkbstra and then try on a non-pb server

it won't lag, cause punkbuster is shit

i guarantee it!
OMG ^^

i need it for etpro

other advises? :D
try sheep cfg..its rly high fps cfg..u find cfg on cf..
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