Bye France!

Anyone else thinking of a DoS-Attack (Denial of Service) against French internet users?

e.g.: Use a botnet to distribute a song, claim copyright infringement and get (almost) everyone on that botnet banned*. Repeat until a significant number of the French population is banned from using the internet and ask Sarkozy how this could have happened.
Just one possibility.

*Note: even though the article states otherwise, apparently you can get banned for a first time offense. And they don't even need a judge to ban anyone.
Sarkozy is a fag.
he's got a nice surname and wife though ^_^
he bought her tbh
he dates supermodels so hes a player
It's not the first time with such an attempt (ie DADVSI 2006) hopefuly CNIL and the supreme court stroke back about unconstitutional (?) stuff and privacy violations.
The funny thing is that the comission which created that law-project was leaded by the CEO of the first cd-seller in france.
The most serious thing is the violation of the presumption of innocence, i barely know the law, but afaik there would be no judge involved and therefore roughly no control over the authority...
Yep, that's what I've read (seems like I accidently wrote lawyer instead of judge ;( ). Most likely some muppets from the music industry being allowed to play god.
There is a french majority who have voted for this man and nowadays you cannot hear or see Them. He wants to put a new law which is to punish the downloaders: if someone download a music, he will receive a blame. If he receive more than 2 blames, the State will delete his internet connexion.

(quote) On va vous en débarasser de cette racaille nous !
(quote) On va nettoyer les banlieues au karcher nous !
(quote ?) Signe de croix en public et devant la télévision.
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