(help)Little Shocks in ET with vista...

Hi guys

I have a problem with vista, my Fps is 125 and my ping is 48 but i still have some little shocks in ET.... With de drivers i disabled threaded optimization....

You guys have any solutions?




Problem = Xfire New update fixed the problem
have it too , except i have windows & sometimes my comp just randomly freezes, have to reboot afterwards , have all updated drivers etc ..
can you see the shocks on your lagometer?
dont know if i close ET it says it won't react (soz for my english :D) nothing to see on the lagometer ..... my fps is stable too. I bet if i downgrade it to xp i've no lag anymore but i want to keep vista....
learn to use the Reply button :M

Do you have those shocks on specific moments? or is it just 'vibrating'

Does it influence your fps while shocking?

have you tried different servers @ ET ?
the shocks are unexpected and then i see a little yellow spike on my lagometer about my fps don't know have it on every server on ET thinks i'ts vista's fauld
well.. I have small blue/yellow spikes on steady intervals when my sister is streaming youtube.. maybe someone/thing is downloading, or, worse, uploading? or maybe your connection just sucks.
This is the first time since i installed Windows Vista x64 ultimate
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