killerboy ban methods :D

I'm surprised to see people defending "h3ll", the most obvious of the 2 players recenlty banned for 1 year by demo

So let me turn your attention to his teammate again: (demos are in the following link) <<<< DEMOS HERE

can killerboy and the others who validated the ban explain where is the cheating proof in these demos? Remember we are talking about a 1 year ban

Judging from what killerboy says, it seems he was banned just because his teammate was cheating :
"and the demo is confirmed by me,bartichello and donex.
and what do you expect rly from his "teammate" :d "
h3ll is who?
h3ll = ynos so stfu
good done, ban cheaters for demos!

idd, but i like how he does that :D
smth like #ban.gnajda :>
invite me to ihatekillerboy
I am afraid to shoot enemy to the head or throw a random nade, lollerboy might ban me he gets his hands in those demos.
he bans for avis so your aimbot.avi is enough
Oh you donk, thanks. Now I can´t play summercup :(
posting smilies isnt allowed anymore?
oke nice edit :(
you lost your <3randomAdmin
no i didn't lost it omg !! good that it isn't anymore !! i was punighed to have this :(
Its just another day in the life of killerboy + CLOWNBASE - be patient on that Island of yours ;)
So this is the reason why no one dares to shoot trough bushes when they hear someone there? Also no one seems to be able to hear any footsteps or gunswitching in the game nowadays.

Couldn't care less if I would get banned from clanbase, I play at max one official war per six months.
i've seen demos, i didn't see cheats on unknows and hell's demo..
btw i have downloaded and seen demo from VJ and i can tell that clanbase protect
cheater and ban innocente people.

As you can see from this avi taken by VJ pov there is obvius WH

In 3 actions..but the avi can be more longer than now with more wh-action

I took demo's file from here

following the link posted by kaus here

I think clanbase should look demo from VJ and ban THEM..

IMO this is fake bust for cover VJ HACKS
im ABSOLUTLY AGREE... wh at the truck and on the main door defense... is really clear.. seems that vj were surprised by h3ll and unknow with pure skill... while Vj were using wh.. i bet .. he though.. what the fuck.. im cheating and they still owing me.

lol VJ busted
laika<3sol did you saw those VJ vids/demos?
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