Excel with VBA to a Webpage

I finished the archivingsystem in VBA I wrote a few journals about earlier. Now I want to export my program (being started by a button on an excel sheet) to a webpage, but it won't work.

Button code (VBA) from the main page:

QuoteSub StartProgram()

' StartProgram = Button1 at Sheet1 at Excel
' Home = Form1

End Sub

To make it clear for you guys:
The program starts at Home.form (renamed from Form1.form). I've made a button in an excel sheet with the code you've just read, opening the home form. When I click it in Excel the program starts, but when I click it when I've exported the Excel sheet to a webpage the program won't start.

When I publish my Excel file as a webpage, I indeed get the excel sheet with the button as an activeX element, but when I click the button nothing happens. At first I thought the VBA code wasn't exported to the webpage together with the excel sheet, and I was right. I edited the published page with excel, and noticed that the forms and modules weren't there. So I copied and pasted them in my webpage file (under forms and modules folders ofcourse, like in the original document), but still the button won't work. I've tried giving the button a macro, giving it VBA code, both didn't help.

lulz, didn't delete my dutch text (translated it from a forum where I also asked this on) ^^

read again
no fucking idea what you just said
i think he says something about ice cream...but im not sure
Just added this:

QuoteTo make it clear for you guys:
The program starts at Home.form (renamed from Form1.form). I've made a button in an excel sheet with the code you've just read, opening the home form. When I click it in Excel the program starts, but when I click it when I've exported the Excel sheet to a webpage the program won't start.

U know anything I could do to make this work?
i understand what you did

i understand what you want to do

i have no idea how to do it as i never worked with that before
VBA is rly hard.
I wish you good luck
It's near-perfect English though...
No random pic, no help.
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