PowerBall ??

Have u powerball ???

Whats your PowerBall ??

Whats your records ??

This one is mine :

image: ImgW

My record : 9868
I've always wanted one of those but haven't somehow got around buying one.

note: my dot resembles sarcasm
10k is hard 4 meh
i dont even have a powerball :(
but he uses his right hand alot
i got 2 powerballs
11k if I remember correctly... Those things break too easily. :s
voitko kertoo mitä noi itseasias on.
It's a small gyroscope. The faster you spin it, the more it struggles. Also known as the jerk off -ball, for obvious reasons: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=LQPESY-pndw&feature=related
I've got some balls
ET-powerball was nice
i've got balls of steel
I thought this was about et powerball.

Misleading journal topics.
wtf is that? :X
its thsi thing to exerice your wrist?
yes but not before you go to the movie section
12003 o yeah!
havent used mine in fucking ages, think i lost the string, used to get around 12k tho... might have had 13 once or twice
hahaha noob you need the string xD
i just went and found it and the string was pretty close, piece of piss to use the thumb rolling technique though. 2-3 rolls of the ball with the thumb and it was spinning like normal :P
you can start without the string. i cant remember last time i used the string to start it
I know you can do the thumb roll to start it but it's quicker with string :P
my record is about 12500, altho these days i can get it up to about 11500. maybe the layers dried up and need some oil or i just need to practice more.
i had it once was kinda cool
7654 here :(
image: bulls-balls

lulz. 8D
Tried some old version of it without zeh speedometer, was a fine exercise :)
the loud noises annoy me
had one like 8 years ago. I don't even know where it is
really funny way to train
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