Your mother once had eyes that shone like the legs of Mae West.

Dear Crossfire

I, TheDuck, dare to call for help you - the computer games maniacs! I need an adventure game to give to someone I know. This person is a true fan of those and went through all those Siberias, Post Mortems, Monkey Islands and many many others. So I need your help dear nerdies! Gimme some worthy titles of zeh best adventure games of them all! Best advice earns a cookie!

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-bird-wants-tic-tac
all ppl posting a failpic und following line will get a cookie
XDDDDDDDDDDDDD nice owning me
sry undso :<
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Adventure =/= rpg

And where the FUCK are you when I'm asking for a mix?
pirates of carriben?
umm prince of persia? if it is adventure then its of the bests game ever released
The best I know (and trust me, everyone has to have played these):

The Longest Journey

An epic tale about a girl being an important key in the survival of mankind, but without her knowing it. You start the game in a dream, which is really vague, but will be clear later on. Then you wake up in your room, it's the near feauture (a hunderd years or so), and you live in a metropole in france (game is English though). The first few hours (game is 70 hours in total) play in the cities and streets, but then things start to happen, unexplainable things, and slowly your getting sucked into another dimension. Won't tell more to ruin the story, but it's awesome!


The Longest Journey: Dreamfall

Sequel to The Longest Journey, it's a bit shorter, easier, and with some lame elements, but still one of the best adventures I've ever played. It is playable without playing the original TLJ, but I strongly disadvice you that, because of two reasons:

1 - The Longest Journey is in my opinion the best game ever made, you just HAVE to play that.
2 - Dreamfall is a lot more fun when you've played TLJ.


Grim Fandango

You play the role as the Grim Reaper (comic style). You get fired and your wife leaves you, so you go after her. You meet all kinds of awesome characters, and the game is really fun to play! It has a kind of jazzy atmosphere to it, also one of the best adventures ever!


The Seventh Guest

Although really oldskool, still concidered as one of the best and hardest adventures ever. The game plays in a haunted mansion, and you'll have to solve all kinds of puzzles to work your way around the mansion. These puzzles vary from specialized chessgames to mazes. The game has a really creepy atmosphere to it, although the graphics are way outdated.



A really old but really cool adventure. Even though it has 3d-rendered graphics (reeeaaally outdated though), it still works really similar to the textbased adventure type of game. Although it has a fully clickable head up display, the basic principles stay. This game is way underrated, simply because of the fact that only few managed to finish the game. I'm one of those few, but I can tell you, once you've finished the game it gives you such a feeling of "I want more", and too bad for you, but you won't get it, since there hasn't been a sequel to it (although there should have been, but it was cancelled).
only know : The Seventh Guest since my mother always played it but then she went to myst and never seen The Seventh Guest again :(
myst = for lowfags who dno real adventure gaming ;/
blame my mother for being lame
hang her in a tree, rape her, and throw sticks at her shouting you feel like a negro from the inside

when she asks "what did I deserve this for?"

you just reply: "for playing myst bitch, now die u lame homofart!"
Hahah you seem a real adventure-game puritanical orthodox :D
if I get to choose between 1 adventure or 10 shooters...


get the 10 shooters, sell them, and buy 5 adventures from it!
Now that's a fucking cookie-earning advice! Thanks! Big one for you!

image: Choco_chip_cookie
:/ the cookie haz green shit in it


I like it! :D
Just play Final Fantasy 7 and 9 best games ever
If he hasn't played Grim Fandango he should, it's one of the best games ever made by man (or any other creature for that matter). Also Little Big Adventure1 and 2, the first being a little better.

Uhm, if he's into really old games maybe Full Throttle or the Sam and Max games? Or why not Day of the Tentacle. These are all classic games from the peak of the adventure-game era and kick so much ass it's almost unbelievable.

I bet you can also find them dirt cheap cause they're from 1853 or something.
Little Big Adventure 2 :D.
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