graphic cards?

Well since i didn't play in 1.5 month because of my crashed graphic card, i really want to get one NOW.
But seems to me there is a problem with every card :/
a lot of the cards i wanted (gtx 260, hd 4780, 8800 ultra, 9800x2 and all the very high end cards) need more then 500 watt . So a very good card would be the hd4850, but this baby heats up to 100 °C (wtf). I don't want my computerparts fried and i DO need a good card.

Any suggestions?
money : >
np for T°, buy HD4870 tbh

good psu @500W is suffisient for cards like HD4870 and all 8800.
are you sure? cause if you are right i really would go for the hd4780, but the first benches didn't comfort me at all ;)
I use an HD2900XT with a 530W PSU and np, but you need a good one no shit like Heden or Advance.

T° isn't a problem 8800 cards can reach 100+° easily. Ati cards are the best choice atm.
well there is still a big difference in performance between the hd2900xt and the very high en cards now ( gtx2** and hd48**)
It's an example. I use a 530W PSU for my 2900XT and power consumption of 2900XT > power comsuption of HD4870 so with your 500W PSU normally np.
mm n/o but did you already see the first benches? thrust me itis higher than the 9800x2 and almost as high as the gtx280!
that is if i can tthrust the source

image: power

Not so big difference ...And it's the power consumption of the whole system.
You'd better save some money for english class.
isn't it free or is he living in some 3rd world country :X
bah i study sciences at university , not languages. As long as evrybody understands me , i'm happy.
My graphics card uses only 35 watt (nvidia Geforce 7300GT-silent a 45€) and I still got 125FPS ingame easily
wauw , big prestation for a game that is 5 years old.n/o

i just want to play some more recent games too ;)
Like? :DD
like cod4 and stuff , maybe crysis
Cod4 @ 1024x768 runs quite smooth here.

But if you want more performance and havent got that much of a power supply you should take a look at the nVidea cards with -silent after their names. Most of them are quite thrifty
Probably but many of those GC aren't appropriate for gaming
gtx 260 or 4870
buy nVIDIA 9 series!
i know the 9800 gtx is also a good card, but price/performance the new ati cards are better
your money, your choice!
The newest cards (8800 and 9600) just swallow power (and why dont you buy a new power supply?)
No idea...I use Geforce 6800 LE and been working so far...but I don't recommend Geforce cards cause their drivers suck ass
buy 9600 geforce and get ripped like me! (c)
If there is no limit to money, I recommend this:
It is the best single graphics card on the market, however costs too much :(

*edit* sry this link above ^^ doesn't work, tried about 4 different ways to make it work, pfff bad coding crossfire.:( This kinda card is the best value for money..

Read up on a Review of both before buying, the 88GT is MUCH better value for money, however yeah the 10 series is obviously better, but i wouldn't say it's so much better it's worth the price increase personally :)
geforce 88gt in SLI
he says he doesn't have more than 500w power, so depending on the quality of his psu, probs couldn't handle sli

+ only decent game that sli makes a real difference too atm is cod4
indeed , same what MindGamee said , and i also have a motherboard with only one pci-e sloth so no sli/ crossfire possible
nvidia NOT ati
the rest is up to your budget
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