Clap Clap

So I got an A-attest :)

Which means succeeded on all terms :-)

Also I can play a bit ET again :o)

yay ! :p

You can now start caring
boeeeh !
as i read that for the first time i thought its called "cdap cdap"

damn boreness >.>
nice reply skills
Oh noez another lowskilled :(
Even though ur a failing fucking retard bitch,

Gratz! <3
Like 3/4th of the community probably passed. So it is indeed not really intresting + annoying for the ones who didn't passed
yeh it makes me feel good :-)
It does feel good but just what I say its not intresting for a journal + annoying for .. blablalbal
this is crossfire ^^
yes with a large community but if everybody who passes, posts a journal about it.. the community will decrease for sure
man he's the biggest retard i've ever seen..

who cares that a randomtard like me passes his exams?
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