Most annoying things in mixes

- fops giving you ammo after you revived him. The next moment you get shot.
- medic packing up after you revived him. The next moment you get shot.
- engineers planting dynamites at randoms times. Remember ladies, engies do their work at axis respawntime. kktnx
- medics need 10+ seconds for a revive
- you are attacking and everyone is hiding inside spawn, waiting till 3 seconds b4 spawntime so they can get full and watch you spraying headshots everywhere.
- people asking spawntime 10 minutes into the game
- people ask spawntime every minute
- fops giving you ammo when you are defending spawn
- medics reviving 3 seconds b4 spawntime
- medics screaming for ammo 3 seconds b4 spawntime
- half you team got fullspawn all the time

plz insert flame below and raise ur spam counter so you can be famous and stuff
Try to play with Finland shitty and you know the meaning of "annoying".
only thing that annoys me in mixes is that im getting blocked in the spawn and all my stamina is gone
haha same here :D
"- medics reviving 3 seconds b4 spawntime"

This only applies to defense, not attack. Even with defense it shouldn't be followed every time though.
shut up, and get back to college.
Why are you even laying around not tabbed out if you don't want to be revived? It's more your fault than the medic's who have to assume you want to be revived.
Good point.
something are true
I see that you are fucking bad.
you obviously don't know who'se fakenick this is!!! =)
ppl like you.
- No tactics (doesn't matter if you play with a mix or against a mix)
- People run around to get more frags while the only surviving engie of the other team unhurriedly defuses the dynamite for the 4th time 8[
- Attacking on grush without an engie
ET rly serious game need strategy etc...
image: Briefing_before_flying_Cross_Country
I always enjoy mixes because I only play with people I'm familiar with
- engineer suddenly playing pf instead of planting main gate on supply, several times
- playing with 1 medic only in attack
- getting blocked in spawn cause people start to press w 3 seconds AFTER respawn or even jump instead of moving

wait, that's not mixing, its a normal pracc of my clan!
wow your clan seems to be rly sux
nice whine :DDDDDDD
was waiting for u to find this =P
yeh i recognized a certain person in your comment :D only the 1st point is relevant, all the others arent my problem ;D
haha tr00
i hate mixes
Quote- engineers planting dynamites at randoms times. Remember ladies, engies do their work at axis respawntime. kktnx

I prefer 10 secs after axis spawntime tbh, but this only works if the team is strong enough

Quote- fops giving you ammo after you revived him. The next moment you get shot.

then don't start reloading but shoot! and hide behind the fops so he gets killed first :P
Playing with lowskillers.

yes, im a wnb. thanks.
Advice: mix with people above your own skill!

like i do :x
just don't play mixes with guys you don't know,
or they are flaming wannabes
or they are low+ and you get irritated
Tbh, most of those things you listed are all about the situation, in some situations they are acceptable and even better choice. Anyways since i play only low skilled mixes too, i'll tell the things that piss me off in mixes:

- Fieldops that use only support cans
- Not watching spawntimes at all
- Whining about having mg or covert ops
- Medics that think fieldop should give all the ammo to medic, so medic can frag and fieldop just stand somewhere just chillin & waiting for to get the bar up to give more ammo (hi2u Finland Cythonic)
- Everything Finland StunnedHero does
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