lolomgbbq ETprob

When I connect to a pub server, I got "Server disconnected for unknow reason", on all pubs. When I try to connect on a private server it works, what's the problemo amigo?

I updated PB, I reinstalled ET, I slapped my keyboard, nothing works.


shoutout to me
quit pub playin
I formated my PC so I had to remake my cfg and I wanted to play with this "newcfg" on a pub to try it :(. I don't really like playing on pubs actually !
subnet ban
unkown reason,,, i do not know
you don't slap your keyboard, you slap your mouse..
np: rammstein - Engel (Alien-Space-Informer-Mix)
idea ... if you need veeeeeeeeeeerry long for connect to a server and after a while you got "Server disconnected for unknow reason", then you proably aint got enought MB RAM
, i got the same problem 2 Years ago as i had just 256 MB RAM :D After Buyin 1gig np4me anymore
go play Mario, I think ur PC can handle it.
yep slaping your keyboard would help <3
= rest in pieces?
lolomgbbq !
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