Daft Punk

Just want to know if u like the music of France Daft Punk

image: daft_punk___cosmic_awesome_by_jinguj
ofc I do <3 They pwn!
They french? :[ I used to like them but now..
now I know, why they don't want to show themselves in public
daft punk vietnam
daft punk around the world

great songs :)
Isn't Vietnam some Jump-song?
u guys listened to France Alive 2007 Deluxe Edition ?

image: img_1093

yeah that album fucking owns =)
i love it <3
only remixes of them !
np: Daft Punk - Da Funk
not bad
its the best
2/3 songs the rest is shit:<
they have good songs.
they are good,yebb.
shit only.
i do and i like it, but the chemical brothers are better imo
yes i love it..
Justice plz
I'd love to see them live!

The Alive live album is excellent.
we all love daft punk
around the world <3
ofc i do, but only the old stuff they produced in teh 90's. i own a bunch of promos and rare vinyls from them, but my alltime fav is their first studio album.
daft punk pwnz
+1 Daft Punk owns, been to the Alive Tour last year in Amsterdam :)
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