Austrian TV broadcast

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graz austria for the worst tv broadcast i (and it seems like the whole world^^) have ever seen! 2nd half was a disaster!!!

Lookin forward to south africa xD

In germany we lost picture 1st for ~4min 2nd for 10sec
And sound was completely fucked up since we switched to swiss tv source (we heard the goals before we saw them)...How was it in ur country? & dont forget to blame Austria hard!
second half...5 mins didnt worked...then i left the place from where i was watching...
... and went to the stadium in basel
same, i heard "AND ITS IN!!!! TURKEY 2-2!!!" when the sabour or w.e was passing :D
missed screen for about a minute or so, after that the screen was back .. sometimes switched between SD and HDTV but stayed on and two times the sound was gone for about a minute or so.

From what I heard there was a nasty-ass thunderstorm going on that screwed with the broadcast. Ah well, nothing you can do
The broadcasting and camera angles have been pretty shitty the whole tourney.
only small stadiums in Switzerland/Austria
Ye but repeating shit was done at wrong times. Switching between the cameras was shit.
the replays are done by the local stations, afaik
I just know it was shit.
how much does HDTV cost in dutchieland? And SD is a dutch tv channel? Only the swiss had their own, perfect picture the whole game, it seems
SD = Standard Definition
HD = High Definition

HD costs me a couple euro's a month extra, but there are only like 5 or 6 channels in HD, and big sport events like the olympics, EC, WC etc are usually also broadcasted in HD.
SD = Single Definition
The swiss had their own line directly out of the stadium
SD = standard definition
oki, I believe you
They did not pay their bills
the screen went black and i was like wth and switched to swedish broadcast and it was gone too and then i was sad :(
lost the pic for about 5 mins total
who cares.
amateurs, seems like they never heard of emergency power
go help em :D
not only austria...whole world/germany
germany sent perfect pics the whole WC! No discussion! Wait for South Africa!
They turned off the video source and added our radio in when we couldnt see, when the video came back every went back to normal.

BBC, best broadcaster in the world!
idiot....the game was in the mistake was in basel not in austria ^^
still the austrian tv messed up.
to be honest the weather messed up

do u have a clue how the weather is atm?
fucking Austria :D
whatever happened it gave us a few minutes of shoutcasting by jack van gelder so good4us
everything was perfect here

swiss technique meets swiss intelligence!
yeah, BLAME HITLER and not the cute austrians!!!11

... wait, hitler was austrian himself O.o OMFG!!1111
tony research before you post - the weather in vienna was so bad that even the public viewings had to be closed - over 100 km/h storm and rain like on judgementday - internet - electricity - broadcasts and radio went out (at least for me) for the second half of the match :( and the ORF (the austrian broadcasting station) is just 4 minutes from my apartement so more weahters fault then that of the ORF - anyway congrats on the win :)
i researched very well, i knew about electricity

yeah right...the weather was bad, the trees were green and the mountains were reason to make 80Mio germans and 700Mio worldwide angry

I cannot remember such a disaster in portugal, germany, england,, nl/belgium, denmark, France, Italy (as far as my brain is able to remember^^)

that is a pure austrian success for eternity :P

best thing at this story is: austrians refused to provide the swiss tv signal!
"best thing at this story is: austrians refused to provide the swiss tv signal!"

lol xd
bad english or what? xD
nah, it's just funny if the austrians really refused to use the swiss tv signal.
because germany has switched to the swiss tv signal several times and i thought it would be funny if the swiss didn't give their tv signal to other countries =)
in ZDF they said at the first break the swiss refused to provide the the second break they did pretty fast as u transfer 1Mio to switzerland imo xD
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