
Will there ever be a bugfixed final version?
I still don't get how people can like this map...
I still don't get how people can like this map...
I still don't get how people can like this map...
bremen ftw
I still don't get how people can like this map...
I still don't get how people can like this map...
but thats not my point!
I know... they know... everyone knows! But nobody knows the answer :X
It is way better than Karsiah or special_deli.

What bugs are you talking about? I have had some "cant get the CP as allies" -bug.
Than karsiah yes, but I like delivery more than bremen (even with this kinda broken sound).
I don´t like deli because it feels so small and cramped. Well, I barely know the objective, could be because of that :)
the lamps with 3color pointers, invisible truck on map 'n stuff
Haven´t noticed those, going to look.

OH! One bug! Truck eats nades and shit when they are thrown in to it´s hood/window.
oh yea that too
good map :) do you mean the map bug?
I still don't get how people can like this map...
I still don't get how people can not like this map...
Bremen > Karsiah
Bremen > Lottonest
Bremen > Frost
what bugs?
I still don't get how people can like this map...
I think its a great map =))
are you Erk @ esreality? yes or no? i just keep wondering :{
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