I have Brawl

No problem.

Just played a few brawl games with my brothers and must say this game is really nice. Except for the fact that you are a goner playing with 20% against King Dedede on small maps. Also you can't wavedash/L-cancel in this game which really sucks since I am used to that since I've been playing melee for a long time x_x
ahh lol nice :)
i love the old one for nintendo 64 but i hadn't played any others of the series yet
Your brothers? Make sure they don't start cheating..
Damn this shit is funny.
was waiting for such a "funny" comment
Did your brothers cheat?
wavedash is totally useless imo
i owned many players without :D
IT isn't useful with every character but with some it is very useful
my fav. is falco but i also like to play with samus aran and link
ganondorf/marth here. Used to be cap falcon and fox but changed
ROFL! Ganondorf was my first char for a long time now it's marth :o)
Too bad i don't actually own a cube or a wii and i only played @ friends ;) (Still i'm pretty decent ;D)
you are right ^^ marth is a strong char because hes fast
you should take a gamecube to the cdc5 and we will play :D
I'm glad you enjoyed a game with your brothers perfo =)
vriend van m heeft het morgen!

Heb je al kamer in Utrecht?:D
ik ga niet op kamers eerste jaar ;p
ga je naar utrecht -.- ?
:[ kan je mijn kamer overnemen!:D mwha nee, maar moet je wel nu al gaan zoeken als je kamer volgend jaar wilt:p
your brothers are cheaters
i wish i had a wii :-(
well now i saw the pics of smash bros brawl and now i wish i had one too
well i'm a sb: melee HIGHSKILL PLAYA easy, been playing it for fuckin ages and my m8 just got brawl so i'ma go blaze it up this evening. WO!
met sheik klaar ik iedereen!!
C.falcon + sheik are the best players
i'd say for Melee you're captain falc or samus no.1 closely followed by sheik. personally i play link... gutted that young link is no longer avi :)
Melee tier list says otherwise for a few years already :>

Falco/Fox are top tier followed by Marth, Peach and Sheik
listen to perfo he is right
hmm already bored of it -.-
You cheater stole that game from somewhere? It is released tomorrow in Finland so how a Netherlands guy can have it already :[
also for gamecube? :(

going to watch grave of the fireflies..
i wish i had a wii
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