what a day..

started off by waking up and having a box at my feet i opened it up and bang a laptop jumps out !!!
fucking briiliant always wanted a laptop.

+ in about 3-4 hours i start getting ready for my prom!!

+ at about 3 in the morning i should be having sex and be totally pissed out of my tree.

+ i played a 3on3 and got 78 headshots.

i feel like this will be a day to remember!!!

give us some love <3
seems like from now on your day only become worse xD
mAv <3 what a great game yesterday
btw h r u?
h r u ? what =S

yeh good game nice defence you guys had tho =]
hopefully i did enough to be in team-portugal.
how are u* ? :DD
ah lul

yeh im fucking brilliant mate having an awesome day and its only just began!

my eyes still close :D
but okay, just another simple day for me :)
what a day
what a match ...
what a team ...
what a feeling ...
what a wank ...
what a coach ...
[slowmotion & boring voice]"...for the enemy territory community! razz getting busted for using rivatuner tweakings...wow."[/slowmotion & boring voice]
what a night...
thats my journal tomorrow!!!
what a headache
yesterday was a great day too.. had a shit day at work and broke up with my lovely gf :'(
+ at about 3 in the morning i should be having sex and be totally pissed out of my tree.

Do i smell some lotto?!

explain yourself!!
nah, u have fun now you hear!
this is not a cless post :D
don't overdo yourself at prom

if you look like this at 8am the next morning, ur doin it wrong;

image: bacon-sandwich

I managed to get my prom trousers+shirt absolutely soaked :E
and then get escorted from school :D:D:DD
good luck son i want pics
luck? do you really think i need luck?

nah cheers bud after prom ill come to yours as you have a free house for 2 weeks!!!
haha jks , hf m8 , my prom was massive , had it at the queens stand at the derby , 2 ez for nyke sitting in the queens seat getting drunk. 95 % of the girls look so fit there lol. send us some pics aswell and LOL at meez.
idd it is a great day, if u had good day today, tonight it'll even get better ;d
and if some1 didnt have good day, tonight it'll get better ;d
Glad to know your having a good day mate, and n1 hasing laptop :D!

you go to prom at the age of 15 ?
unfortunelly for me im a youngie and my bday is in 2 weeks =[
haha mAv i hope ya ave a good time... ma girl had her prom yesterday she said its fukin brill m8. dnt get to pissed and ruin ur nite doe.. unless you take pro plus and viagra then ur on ya way to having fun :P

hope ya new laptop is nice m8
ive had 9 carlings so far xD
yeh my laptop is lush mate
fukin hell mAv its like 1:30 ur prom starts at like 6 most probabley.. u shuld of saved all the drinkin for the afta party.. wt im gona do is have like 3 before the prom ( all the awards etc)

then just go OFF THE RIPPPPPPPPP at the after party
i have a crate of 18 mfor after prom mate ill chill out for now i dont wanna feel like shit during fucking prom lool xD

going to be a day tho mate!
yes it fukin is.. dnt fuckin forget ur joneys ha ha
fuck that im going in dry !!

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