nations cup cfg

Hi force r_ambientscale to 3?

Just make it between 0.5 AND 3, dont force because at some cfg's they have the same color as the walls.

Unlock also r_directscale between 0.5 AND 3/5 Please.

Also for cg_gunX/Y/Z.

impossible afaik.
since r_ambientscale is cheatprotected it can only be forced to a specific value.
this cfg is just crap (not only the abientscale thingy).
GL coding the new etpro
?! WTF?!?!?!

isnt it just a question of change:

command "forcecvar r_ambientscale 3"


command "sv_cvar r_ambientscale IN 0.5 3"

I dont really know / tested but it makes sense atleast
thats why i think that r_directscale > r_ambientscale because r_directscale gives a "yellow effect" to models. You could mix both (if you have to foce r_ambientscale because of etpro). For example r_directscale 1 and r_ambientscale 1.5. It would be nice and easier (because with the current settings i see models with same color as the walls at supply)

it cant be unforced, its cheat protected by the et engine, blame the etpro dev restriction of forcecvar

obviously the logical thing here is drop the idea, or use ambientscale 1/.9/.8 or something, but alas we are stuck with 3
yup, its stupid to force it, leave it alone till it can be changed they way you want.
agree with u, i wanna use cmd cg_guny/x/z
at least force it to something lower like 1 or 1.5 XD 3 is just too much imo and as i said earlier makes the allied players turn invisible x(((
sheep. SHAGGA
its only this one, lame event. so what ?
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