Passed Exams, Was out last night and tonight....


After that got a party, life is awesome \o>

What's everyone else doing this weekend?

image: 49698.radiohead43
life is awesome idd
how's things going?
''staying home playing games non-stop'' :D nah not really - if the weather is nice gonna have a party at countryhouse.

gratz for passing the exam aswell :)
wd stormeh, but radiohead :/kill
"spontanic > all"

Nothing special I think :>
n1 stormeh mate :D

Tonight, dinner and a movie with the missus.
Tomorrow a wedding.
Sunday, a hangover and ET

Catch you over the weekend fella!
thanks, hows the lack of cigarettes going?
Not bad. Still get the odd craving but not as bad as it was.
Feel so much better for it though, even after such a short period.
i have been wasted for uhm... many days in a row now..
wd mate
well today lettin two of the last four of my staff pups (7 weeks old) go to there new homes
then tomoz goin to blackpool for a night out
sunday night goin to manchester to start my sia trainin :/
no mate im working for British Airospace at one of there sites as a corperate security guard as get me by until i start my prison officer training in september
need to see radiohead live once, needs to
i saw them at hurricane last weekend it was awesome
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