The new blizzard game

What it will be? Monday they made a Splash in


image: splashscreen5

What you think it will be? Diablo 3 ? Starcraft 2 ? Lost viking (lol) ?

image: splashfinal2

Will be announced tomorrow anyway
500 therories have been made already

the code(valenci and some lost code as i read in tells us "tyrael is lost" which can only be about d3?
The eyes look perfectly for d3.. also this thingy between eays & over the nose looks like him.

ye and the pentagram is like the cs.. and in the middle dia

i rly hope its d3..
d2 was the best game i ever played.. and i expect much more from diablo3.. since all blizzard games are owning :)
it depends.. if they make it in-eye or such as WoW is.. then its going to suck
you still will hack there :[
Quoted2 was the best game i ever played.

cant agree more!!! it was fucking amazing, kept me years of playing it, to stop it several times just to start again, leveling about 10 chars over lvl 90, fucking many wasted ours of gaming :)
oh it would be so nice if they do dia3. but i hope they dont mess it up
idd :D i just started playing it again! (ladder reset 3 weeks ago ;D)
WUUUT??? new ladder reset? why nobody told me that??? ARRRRGGGG.. too bad i have all my cds in germany.. i call my mum and beg her to send it to me :D
btw where do u live in norway?
10 days a go :/
oehh only 10 days!
couldn't agree more, in fact, I still have it :>
man, that must be exciting
ill cry if its d3, been waiting how many years now
the lost vikings was amazing back in the days! :D
rofl true :DDD
WARCRAFT 4 but wc3 is still too new to be old for blizzard
I think it will be Warcraft 4... W3 ended in that ice tower, the eyes match... It's kinda obvious.
we all know that Wrath of The Lich King is coming out (WoW)

but ill hope its d3 :(
i didn't know :p
starcraft 2 imo, the eyes looks kinda protoss
mon jeune Roi Heenok le dit c'est vrai cherche pas tactac blingbling.
sc2 coming anyway.
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