Logo needed

Hello Mates

IM looking for some1 who could make a logo for my clan abcent!

it should be a bit bigger than this one http://abcent.soldiers-of-fortune.co.uk/images/topics/clannews.gif and have somethin related to et with.

Would be rly nice if u made one! <3

Best logo maker will be revised a cookie =)
loggo :D
how much do you pay me.
im sorry no money is given out, so u dont need t make something UBER :P im ust askin some kind man here in cf to do me a favour <3 =)
your clan is full of faggots
Thats my prob isnt it? =)
yeah, pracced vs them today. full of lowtard whiners expecially that solar fag
lol k, if u offer me a non "fag" clan im free to try
ministry of defence
u should ask Lady... she is good at photoshop i think
Photoshop isn't a program to make logo's with try Illustrator
ask mystify
ascend (/)
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