mapmaking, how to start ??

I've got a lot of free time during holidays so after sources of maps have been released i'd like to do sth with it but i have no idea how to start with because i didnt do anythign similar to it, some links, clues, or anything ?? thanks in advance!

i feel a newtalent
Ask eiM.
Mapping is quite hard to do.
You can find lots of tutorials and ask your questions here.

But first to start you must download GTK radiant 1.4 or 1.5. I prefer 1.4.
Before you start on anything make sure you are willing to finish a project and willing to read tons of stuff because some of the common things in ET (command posts / driving vehicles) are hard to make in radiant.
aks xeoxis to team up with you!

scripting is the most important thing :)
so ull work on a new oasis : ) ?
:DD you'll quit fast
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