Question for linux users

Whats the best linux distribution for hosting game/http servers?
try to update drivers
totally depends

ive run servers off of gentoo, fedora, and even freebsd

its hard to say which i prefer really, probably fedora
I like ubuntu but dunno about hosting someting there :o)
my root is running on a customized debian.
Don't use cutting edge software on a root, instead use a long term tested kernel and server programs
but running servers from svn software is fun!

take a page out of the book of crossfire, it's always more fun to work hot
debian netinst roxorz, easy install with few nice functions
debian stable doesn't have latest glibc, i would rather use the latest ubuntu server distro (not the desktop one).. freebsd ain't linux, and gentoo takes kinda long to set up properly.
You forgot about openSUSE 11.0 -_-
slower, ugly, overloaded with crap, windows like,...
slowly - fail -> 11.0 is much faster than the previous versions. Works like a charm
ugly - fail -> Looks wonderful with KDE4 / Gnome
overloaded with crap - fail -> Install from the live CD
Windows like - true -> Why is that a bad thing? You have all the linux power + some nice interface
being faster than prev version is really awesome, but i compare it to other distros.
i dont like it
not being able to really build it up the way you want it is not great for me
i have linux, not a fucking windows clone
Faster as in almost as fast as Ubuntu. What do you mean by building it the way you like it? With a few exceptions all the distros come with an already compiled kernel and stuff.
If he wants commodity I recommend Ubuntu / SUSE otherwise Gentoo (if he is experienced in Linux, then he should chose it).
That ego thing: "I HAVE LINUX! IM 1337 NOW!! BILL SUX DONKEYBALLZ" is a big bullshit.
almost as is still slower? pls..
we are talking about a SERVER here
Use the network installation, 81MB, and install w/e you like to build your server. What stops you?
I had problems getting a 1000Hz kernel running under Ubuntu. Booted without problems with Debian
debian, ubuntu, gentoo, fedora.
debian/fedora/gentoo I quess
gentoo for sure!
thx for answers
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