Mouse settings for widescreen

Well ever since I have switched to widescreen i have had problems tracking.

So i was wondering if there is any settings that make tracking normal, its hard to explain what i mean but it feels like acceleration when in 1o1 and its annoying

Any help would be great :< <3
You're just shit Blitz!

btw , nice clan ;)
shame it died after i left :< :D:D
just get used to actually having to aim :D

EDiT: 17" kinda pwns for gaming, switched to 19 and it feels kinda weird aswell >:/
mouse settings for widescreen :D
you changed only your monitor?

and the sens feels fucked?

ive had the same for ages dunno wots causing it
Yep, i changed the monitor i changed the mouse later thinking it could have been that, but that didnt help :/
now you have like a new tft or whud?

describe the mousefeelng
well i went from a 17" 4:3 to a 22" widescreen

It just feels like the mouse is laggy or accelerating its really strange buts its almost inpossible to hit the target, high sens and low sens all the same
ye same here ive tried to sort it for years... i u do sort it let me know how :S

its rly weird
yea sure rat
does it feel like negative acceleration or positive?
tbh mate i dont even know how to explain it :/
i can only say if i install window fresh i have somethink like positive acc but i like it dunno why, but after when i install many programms my windows is getting overloaded and then it feels like normal/little bit neg acc
i got the same too change my monitor to a new one but then i change back and it feels fuckyng horrible
i paid £200 for this screen so i cant see me changing
i never bought one i had one in my basement
how it got there? must be thief!
play window mode
doesnt have the same effect :<
and wide screen does???
it feel like im really in the game! so real!

bleh i dont know
btw i can only help u in once: dont change any grafic settings of ur graficcard in windows
got the same problem here
i switch from 19crt(iiyama vision master pro 454) to 22lcd(iiyama E2201W) and for me it was just a matter of getting used to it, there is no strange lagg or least for me.

@first i played with black borders at each side(r_mode 6@no scaling), but later i found that it's better to run in native res.

r_mode -1
r_customheight 1050
r_customwidth 1680
just try by yourself, that's always the best!
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