Dilemma (oh!)

(or however you spell it)

Right, here's the situation. I went the gym this morning and had an 1hours run. Im completely fucked. My mate wants me to go out as i promised him i would but i cant walk.

Ive lost my job, dont have lots of money and ho on holiday in 3 weeks.

What do i do? Stay in and work on the weights or go out?
ah mate, if he really wants you to, just tell him you're tired...

or call your father (rowan)
GO OUT!!1!
1. go out
2. + search some work (: there is always work to do, but you have to search
it will not come to you x)
i have but i gotta wait till after holiday to start my new one
you're 18 years old, search for a holiday job?
lol u cant manage an hour

thats piss
at 9.5 mph, id like to see u try it u fucker!!!
he would run faster if he saw tara infront of him
well im a lazy bastard :D
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