I got my own TV :D

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh after my work @ Polo Ralph Lauren, i payd my TV Plasma FULL HD,

Panasonic VIERA 117cm

1 000 000:1 dynamique contrast
Reaction : 0,001 ms

Model : TH-46PZ8E

image: px80e


Your ?
my telefunken tv from 1988 > *

ebay pic
image: 39b2_1
der ownt wirklich! ;D
omg omg omg
plasma sucks
I dont watch tv
btw ralph lauren polos are very nice, I've got couple ;p
a couple of fales =)
I dont watch tv
i don't watch tv :~|
i almost don't watch tv either.. the only thing i'm interested in are national geographic channels which i watch every day
i dont got a tv
i don't has a tv since Germany tv is mostly shit ;<
i dont watch tv as well, because mainly it sucks ass, but still i got a lcd to watch hd movies! owns with surround and this nice1 quality!
my computer is my tv
omg they are in ur tv !!!
I don't watch TV.

I had to set up my parents new 42" Panasonic HDTV with nais surround sound and a cool DVD player with usb/bluetooth etc with it.
Niiiceeeeeeeee !
gratz,but i got it ~ 10 years ago
Ye i got it too but my old TV was... SHIT xD
plasma sucks, the picture burns into the surface like on old crt's but hf with it
why its bad?
if he watchs 24/7 porn for some months he doesn't need to watch the pron program anymore
yeah, after about 4 or 5 years...
thats what the manufacturers tell you.
well, i got my tv for about 2 1/2 years now without any tiny problem
nope, you just need to fall asleep while in some menu with no movement, and there you go. next morning you'll have a nice menu in the screen! ;)

ok i have to admit, with newer plasmas you wont have that much problems ;)
thats a fucking exageration geez
nope, happened with a friend of mine, but as i said that was an old plasma. oh and dont get me wrong, it was only a light version of the menu, not with full color etc :P
ye maybe. but with newer plasmas and being carefull for the first hours of use (by using something like this http://www.eaprogramming.com/downloads/download_main.htm ) you wont have any problems with plasma :)
ye but seriously it would have been really stupid if the manufacturers didnt change that. :)
i often fall asleep while my pc running on my screen (without screensaver) and i never ever had any problem at all
heared those rumors though
how can you all fall asleep while there is some flashing movement on the screen?!?!?!! i've never fallen asleep while watching a movie or smth (ok i have to admit, i once fell asleep in the cinema... the movie sucked donkey balls and i didnt sleep for 40 hours ^^)
well my friend manages to do that pretty often ;)
believe me, i can fall asleep whenever i want, wherever i want xD
grundig xephia 42''

plasma ofc
rofl! My tv is as old as I am and it's screen size is like A4 paper. Still works!
hehe mine is from 1988 and still works!;D
you are a Russian. You dont get new things
hahaha, im seriously laughing at you
thanks man. Be happy, laugh is only thing which you get ;)
i mean , people can be retarded , but in your mental condition i've never seen anybody , closest one is malczik , but he's just a runner-up.
good for you
I feel sorry for you. When you grow up, all this hate in your head will work against you, but unfortunately it will be too late to fix it.
it wont work agaisnt me in Estonia. Maybe in Latvia were 50% are Russians, but not here.
Even if you are isolated from Russians, hate is hate, and it will work against you. You simply can't avoid experience and associative functions of mind.
Keep it up and you'll be banned from here. We don't tolerate racism.
hehehe getting owned little bitch ;)
i dont have an own tv
plasma ftw much better colours and blacks than lcds <3
Depends on model and quality of the plasma's and LCD's in question. If we are talking about the newest range of TV's then LCD's in the same price-range as plasma's usually have a better black level.

Only when you go towards the higher price-ranges will you see Plasma excel at blacklevels and better coloring. At budget levels they are both pretty equal.
Reaction : 0,001 ms
pretty fast :p
its lol...my 24' screen of my pc is bigger than my tv :o
I don't have my own television ):
welcome to my club :D
A million to one contrast ratio. Not really. This screen has a native contrast ratio of 20.000 to 1. Which is also very good that it doesn't even need dynamic contrast added to it (which you will not notice much of anyway)

0,001 ms reaction is the time of discharge after the drive pulse signal of the panel is sent. It is in no way the response on screen. That will be around 14 ms.

Nice TV though :)
yeah, they always fake with the reaction time, dont they? at least with flatscreens for the pc
wtf are tv ?
it is a big crate, and you can leave all your sweets there savely! you should buy one :<
Reaction : 0,001 ms

that's quite shit imo.. shitty-ass chairs... I prefer my comfy couch imo
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