Mockup xfire theme

Wrote this all this morning @ bored, uses valid strict xhtml and divs unlike xfire, liquid width, and only 3 very small images (2 are backgrounds and 1 is xfire logo). Displays correctly in all browsers including IE6 and hand-held stuff. Colours are supposed to be easy on the eyes.
i prefer this site
looks cool, ty
only thing i like bout your site are the colours, the layout needs more work imo
Its allright.
normal one is better
Most of the comments here don't seem to get the idea. Your template could very well be redesigned when wanted. But you made some optimization to the code. So here is a review by a fellow web designer.

#1 The code is very well optimized - would be much faster than what xf is atm.
#2 It's fluid width, so it scales when the browser size gets bigger / smaller, what our beloved doesn't do yet
#3 It's code is very compatible. Most of the browsers will run it, if not all. (Crossfire 3.0 seems to have some bugs with IE.)
#4 It uses divs&css instead of tables! This makes the site become: More search-engine friendly, faster to load, and it will have a clearer source code.
#5 All this, and it even managed to stay standards compliant(xhtml 1.1 strict!)! (although you forgot to add one "alt" attribute to an image on line 22, but that's not such a big flaw at all).

#1 Yeah, I have to admit it's not so pretty. But it can be easily skinned by a designer. It could use a few gradient x-repeat background images for the bars.
fluid width is bad imo

if i browse that on fullscreen the body of the page is far too wide to be readable, harder to plan content layout when you dont have control over how it renders on the users side..

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I propose a "Custom .css File:" option in the profile where you can link to alternative css files, ESReality style.
If you're using Firefox, you can just use the Stylish-plugin which let you use different css-stylesheets on any page you want.

I'm using it for (nice brown layout now).
I'm well aware of what Stylish does and even wrote a fair amount of scripts for it, however right now I'd only be using it for crossfire, which isn't worth bogging down firefox anymore than I have to
hello raz how are you? seen foo around lately ?
looks good :)
I really like it!
I prefer that over the current site.
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